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Q: Can I take Nitrofurantoin after getting a a flu shot?
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Should I get the flu shot after getting over the flu?


Getting flu shot to keep from getting flu is example of this type immunity?

artificial active

Would it be worth getting flu shot although you have had the flu?

Yes, because the flu changes from year to year and if you don't know if the flu you had was this years or last, why take the risk. Get one every year.

Can you take a Flu Shot with arthritis?


Do they drug test you when you get the flu shot?

Not in the US, unless you are in jail getting the shot. They will ask you questions, though.

CAN YOU get two flu shots together?

The N1H1 shot is not available for the general public in most areas yet. Only health care professionals are getting them so far. Take the shot you can get.

How long must a person be free of cold and flu symptoms before getting a flu shot?

While a flu shot will not be effective against any active flu symptoms it will protect against the other flu strains contain in the shot. Flu symptoms such as high fevers, upper respiratory problems should be controlled but the flu virus in a shot is a 'dead' non-active virus and should not affect or cause any current virus.

Is it safe for your child to get the H1N1 vaccine between his 1st and 2nd dose of the seasonal flu vaccine?

Yes, if they are getting both vaccines by injections. That timing of the two kinds of vaccinations (seasonal flu shot and swine flu shot) is not a problem, in fact they could be given at the same time. This is not true for the nasal mist vaccinations, however.You can NOT take a nasal flu mist for swine flu at the same time as you take a nasal flu mist for seasonal flu. They can render each other ineffective. Ask a health care professional how long you should wait between these two kinds of nasal mist vaccinations.You can take a nasal flu mist for swine flu with any other nasal flu mist vaccine EXCEPT the one for seasonal flu.The 2009 H1N1 flu shot (inactivated 2009 H1N1 vaccine) can be given at the same visit as any other vaccine, including pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine.You can take a swine flu nasal mist at the same time as a seasonal flu shot.You can take the H1N1/09 swine flu shot and a nasal mist for the seasonal flu at the same time.There would be no reason to take the swine flu shot at the same time as the swine flu nasal mist since both do the same thing, so that should not be done.

Is the Swine Flu shot worth getting?

yeah. The question is not getting the swine flu shot worth your life? The swine flu is like a regular cold if u get it it will clear up eventually. If u get the shot which has lead & other harmful stuff it will harm u later in life. Think about it they came up with the vaccine 2 soon

What religion do you not take the flu shot?

I do not know the name of the religion or cult. But there has to be one or more. Not taking flu shot is a way to show that one is superior to others.

How to get rid of Flu?

You cannot get rid of the flu. It is a virus. The symptoms can only be treated, until your antibodies can destroy the viral structure. This is why you get a flu shot because it significantly reduces the risk of getting the flu.

Can you get the flu shot if you are taking a narcotic?

As long as the reason you take the narcotic would, by itself, not cause a problem with getting a flu shot. If in doubt, always contact your doctor's office and ask a nurse or the doctor there who knows your medical history what you should do. Or before you get the shot, tell the nurse giving it about your condition and they can decide if it is a good thing to get it then.