

Can Idaho felons posses guns

Updated: 9/24/2023
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9y ago

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A felon anywhere in the United States is prohibited from purchasing, possessing, or being allowed access to firearms. This is a matter of federal law, applicable to all states and territories of the United States, and it does not vary between states. Possession of a firearm or ammunition by a felon is a felony under federal law and under the laws of all 50 states.

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Q: Can Idaho felons posses guns
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What is the law about felons and guns?

Very generally speaking, in the U.S. a felon cannot own or posses a firearm unless his or her rights have been restored.

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Can a convicted felon legally posses fire arms?

No. Felons and firearms dont mix

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No, convicted felons may not own BB guns, pellet guns, air rifles, dart guns, tasers, or any other similar weapon.

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If you mean "own" a gun, no. Felons cannot own or possess guns.

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Felons cannot own or possess guns anywhere in the U.S.

Is there a law about felons being transported from state to state allowing them to take their guns?

Felons are not allowed to have any weapons.

Is it legal to posses body armor in Idaho?

yes if you haven't ben convicted of a felony. You can purchase on-line or face 2 face in Idaho

Is a air soft gun considered a illegal firearm for convicted felons or parolees?

No, there is no background check for airsoft guns, however, having airsoft guns that might be confused for firearms is a terrible idea for felons or parolees.

Can a felon posses a taser m18 in AZ?

Felons are not allowed to carry Tasers in any state. It is against TASER INTERNATIONAL policy.

What employers hire felons in Idaho Falls?

none.. it's completely judgmental and corrupt here.

What if a felon is caught with a gun in the car?

Felons are not allowed to possess guns, regardless of where they are.