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Q: Can Irish cobs heavy horses jump 6ft?
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Can cobs jump?

yes cobs do jump, even though a lot of people say they dont many people around from where i am have cobs and all of them do it on there own accord such as when there in their field etc. depending on how your cob is you may need more patience to get the horse to tidily jump than when other horses can do it neatly (after a small amount of practice) where as cobs need more time!

Can all types of horse jump?

Yes all types and breeds of horse can jump. However some types of horse such as heavy draft horses should not jump as it can severely injure them as they are not built to handle the impact of jumping.

Can mares jump?

All horses can jump.

Do some horses jump when you ride them?

No you have to train a horse how to jump over logs+jumps, Not all horses are made for jumping horses!

Can mustang horses jump?

Yes, but not in competition. Mustang horses can jump and they can compet because i compete on my mustang

Can Frisian Horses Jump?

All horses can jump, it's whether they are willing to. I heard Friesians are amazing jumpers.

What does a lug do for horses?

A lug incloses horses in when you are training them to jump.

Is it true that horses did long jump and high jump in the winter Olympics?


What do horses learned?

Horses learn how to jump and run as fast as they could.

Are Gypsy Cobs good at jumping?

It depends on its passion and potential. All horses can jump, just some are bad, some are good, some are better than others, some can take their riders to the Olympics. I'm sorry for not answering your qquestion completey, but there is no possible way i would be ably to know that.

Can Morgan horses jump?

Yes they can!

Do horses run and jump?

Yes. They can.