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Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses can become Doctors. Their religion does not give dictation about their career choices.

Further education, particularly involving university/college degrees, however, is discouraged amongst Jehovah's Witnesses and so it would in practice be very rare to see one studying to become a doctor.

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I don't know any specific people, but I'm sure there are. As long as the job doesn't interfere with their spiritual work, Jehovah witnesses can be almost anything..

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Are the Jehovahs witnesses the only religion approved by god?

If a person wants to find this out he has to study the Bible and compare what Jehovah's Witnesses believe and do, and he can see for himself if they are the only religion approved by God.

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Jehovah's Witnesses (I am one) study the Bible. In all reality, if when the Bible is followed, women have many more rights than today's society gives them.

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Many would say they are. Quite a few witnesses say "They are glad they are" because before they became JWs their brain was full of dirty thoughts etc. and their brains needed washing! In reality, it takes a huge amount of study to become a witness and they enter and get baptized of their own free will. Many highly intelligent people are witnesses. So the objective answer is no they are not.

How many people become Jehovah's witness via bible study?

ANSWER FROM ONE OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES... In the Service year of 2010 the reported total number of people being Baptised is 294.368 (From the 2011 year book of Jehovah's Witnesses). Most of this number would have come from people who were having a study with Jehovah's Witnesses... The Watchtower does not publish the number of people who become Witnesses via Bible study and it is not a statistic that gets recorded. The official website of Jehovah's Witnesses' latest statistics gives a total of 294,368 baptisms. (see link below)There were, on average, just over 8 million Bible studies reported. In my experience most people become baptized as Witnesses after having been born into the religion.

Why do people hate Jehovahs witnesses arnt they suppose to help you?

People hate the Jehovah's Witnesses because they were "destined" to, should we say. In the Bible it says that the people of the true religion would be hated and discriminated against. It's fulfilling Bible prophecy. And by the way, the New World Translation of the Bible is not altered to fit Jehovah's Witnesses' beliefs. There are many credible resources that aren't even part of their religion that studied the translation and agree that it is the most UN-ALTERED form of the original manuscripts. Hope this helps. :) Jehovahs' witnesess encourage people to study using their own bible if they are more confortable

What do you have to do to become a follower of Jehovah witness?

Well, first you would have to have a free bible study with Jehovah's Witnesses. When you talk to them they'll explain it to you in detail.

Do Jehovahs witnessess have special customs?

No, Jehovah's Witnesses are not a ritualistic religion and have few religious customs. They commemorate annually the death of Jesus in early spring and hold regular meetings for prayer and bible study. Preaching is also considered part of their religious practice but they do not have numerious religious festivals, pilgramids or celebrations.

What is je hovis witness?

"Jehovah's Witnesses are a Christian denomination known for their door-to-door evangelism, distinctive beliefs such as the rejection of blood transfusions, and emphasizing activities like Bible study and evangelism."

What takes place in a Kingdom hall?

Praise god just like in any other churchAnswer #2Jehovahs witnesses worship is making their lifestyle acceptable to God Jehovah by applying his standards in their life. When Jehovahs Witnesses go to The Kingdom Hall It is considered part of their worship,but it is more like a formal gathering for learning. They study articles along with their bibles to know and understand their creator more fully and his purposes for mankind.

Do Jehovah witnesses study polygamy?

Study polygamy or practice polygamy? JWs dont do either one :)

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Orthopedic doctors study joints.