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There have been no documented cases of death from LSD overdose. (There was one reported, but it was later found to NOT be LSD that caused her death). However, overlarge quantities of LSD can cause severe hallucinations, panic attacks, and suicidal feelings.

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12y ago
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12y ago

No. You can die if you do something stupid while on it, but i don't think you'd be able to afford the lethal dose of it.

Also, despite urban legends about spinal column build up and crystals, or flashbacks from cracking your back, LSD is out of your system in about half an hour. It's completely water soluble and cannot crystallize or stay in your body. The real trip is how something that passes that fast can affect you for 8-18 hours. It really is all in your head.

To be safe make sure you have a good set and setting, as well as a trusted trip-sitter. If you don't know what those are, take a read around or Google them.

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13y ago

LSD is dosed by brain size. In one experement an elephant was injected with LSD, causing instant effects. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, his muscles tensed and he fell over. Later it was discovered that he had a heart attact.

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13y ago

You can die from LSD just like any drug it is good but bad for you and can kill you in a heart beat.

I don't know where your getting your information from but you can be anymore wrong. I am not a doctor and not claiming to be, but I have done some research on this. No there is no claim on any death on LSD ( besides from killing your self from a bad trip ). But other than that this person said "You can die from LSD just like any drug" um ya can you please find a death from marijuana, because I am pretty sure there is no death EVER recorded from the use of marijuana.

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14y ago

The amount of LSD needed to cause a life-threatening overdose is so great that the average user is at virtually no risk of overdose. However, taking too great of an amount can lead to a very unpleasant experience that may cause a great deal of psychological distress.

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14y ago

Since the lethal dosage of LSD is so large compared to recreational dosages, it is extremely unlikely that LSD will be directly lethal. However, it may cause psychological effects which can lead to suicide and fatal accidents.

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12y ago

Yes, it is possible to overdose on hallucinogens, but the safety varies widely based on the specific drug. LSD and psilocybin are exceedingly unlikely to be lethal, whereas deliriants like datura and nightshade are easily fatal in an overdose.

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11y ago

No. You can not overdose off of LSD. There have been cases where people have consumed ungodly amounts of LSD without dying. This does not mean you should go out and try illegal drugs that can mess up your brain and cause you to be permanently psychotic.


LSD Oral Dosages


20 ug Light

25 - 75 ug Common

50 - 150 ug Strong

150 - 400 ug Heavy

400 + ug LD50 (Lethal Dose*)

12,000 ug

* LD50 = dose which will kill 50% of the tested animals. For more information about LSD-related deaths,

Taken from

However no human deaths have ever occurred because of LSD. There have been some cases where people have killed themselves, but the substance itself hasn't caused physical deaths. (Of course ego deaths are totally different case.

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15y ago

No. In one case, a man thought it was speed and injected 320 milligrams (about 3000 doses of LSD) and died, but it is not possible

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Q: Can LSD cause overdose
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Is there overdose in LSD?

An overdose of LSD substantial enough to cause life-threatening physical symptoms is thousands of times the recreational dose, and therefore is not typically a risk to the average user. However, LSD may certainly cause frightening psychological effects and a risk for dangerous behavior when ingested in excess.

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An overdose of both substances is possible. While a PCP overdose could certainly prove fatal, an overdose of LSD is very rarely fatal and would likely cause only an extremely unpleasant and overwhelming altered state with anxiety and panic.

What are signs of an LSD overdose?

you can't od on LSD

What are the overdose signs for LSD use?

You can not overdose from LSD, but you can mess your life up by taking large amounts at once or over a long period of time, but no overdosing.

What are symptoms of overdose on LSD?

Having a very bad "trip."

Can LSD cause withdrawal?

No, LSD does not cause physiological dependence.

Can you die from mixing acid and cocaine?

yes you can you might overdose and die. my advice dont do itA different answer...There no known synergistic effect between cocaine and LSD 25. And while is it conceivably possible to acute overdose on cocaine (the dosage would likely have to be astronomical), LSD is active at such a low dosage, that a lethal overdose is probably impossible. As the combination is not reactive, there is little if no danger of LSD and cocaine interacting to cause an acute overdose.Cocaine's damage to the human physiology occurs over time, and is sometimes irreparable. Notably attacked are cardiovascular and pulmonary systems.

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Yes. LSD is known to cause uterus contractions, which can induce a miscarriage.

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While tolerance to the effects of LSD can develop, it is unlikely to cause dependence.

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There is no known link between LSD and prostate cancer.

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Is LSD deadley?

Nope, only one person has ever died from LSD, and he was an army test subject that was injected with thousands of doses at once. Nobody has ever accidentally died from an LSD overdose, the oral dose required would be thousands upon thousands of doses.