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I strongly suggestt hat you do not take Zyprexa. I took it and had HORRIBLE side effects. I am sure it can be different for some but two of my friends were on it and we all experienced severe weight gain (20 lbs in 2 weeks) and extreeme fatigue. I took Lexapro and Zyprexa together along with Colonipin. Not a great mix. Make sure you check with your Dr before taking anything. Medication can be very dangerous if not taken properly

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Q: Can Lexapro and abilify be taken with zyprexa?
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Is there anything similar to abilify?

Yes...Zyprexa (Olanzapine). The bigest problem with it is weight gain. --------------- It depends on what you are taking it for. Abilify is prescribed for schizophrenia, bipolar mania, and recently it has been marketed for depression. From experience I do not think the feeling produced is in any way similar to zyprexa. Abilify is a partial D2 agonist and zyprexa is a potent D2 antagonist. From experience abilify = no appetite and akathisia zyprexa= sedation weight gain I have been told that the new antipsychotic saphris is very similar to abilify. It looks promising but there is a very high rate of extrapyramidal symptoms (about 20%)

Does ablify cause weight gain?

My only response to this is that a friend of mine was taken off Olanzapine (Zyprexa) and put on Abilify in order to stop their weight gain.

What happens if you take lexapro and accidentally take someone else's abilify instead?

Abilify is way different than Lexapro and will cause different side effects and unpleasant ones at that.......Be very Careful with Abilify itis an antipsychotic and can cause orthostatic hypotension which can make you fall down and hurt yourself and other weird and unpleasant side effects

Can you combine generic lexaproavailable in Cananda and generic abilify safely?

Although the US FDA does not oversee any medication sold in Canada, prescription medications sold in Canada are generally felt to be relatively safe and of good quality. Escitalopram (generic for Lexapro) and aripiprazole (generic for Abilify) may be prescribed for usage at the same time (i.e., there are no major contraindications to their use together). In summary, one should be able to safely use generic Lexapro from Canada and generic Abilify safely is taken as directed.

What mediciation is used for bipolar disorder?

abilify ,clozaril, depakote, geodon ,lamictal, lithium, risperdal, seroquel ,trileptal ,wellbutrin XL ,and zyprexa

Is Celexa and abilify compatible?

Yes, Celexa and Abilify are compatible meaning they can be taken together.

Your daughter took abilify and lexapro could it of caused permanent brain damage?

No. Those drugs take a while to start working.

Can Lexapro and Pristiq be taken together?

Pristiq, which contains desvenlafaxine, is an antidepressant that affects the serotonin levels in the brain. Lexapro, being an SSRI, also affects your serotonin levels.You should consult with a medical professional before you attempt to take these drugs at the same time.

Do you eat before taking abilify?

Taking ABILIFY with food and drinkABILIFY can be taken regardless of meals. However, the oral solution should not be diluted withother liquids or mixed with any food prior to administration.Alcohol should be avoided when taking ABILIFY.

You have only taken lexapro for three days and plan to discontinue taking when you see your doctor today?

No, I don't even know what lexapro is

Should you take Lexapro on an empty stomach?

Lexapro can be taken any time of the day with or without food. This answer straight from the packet instructions.