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My best friend is a doctor, and says yes, it can be taken indefinitely. However, I have been taking 20mg for four years now, and don't know how advisable it would be to take it forever. I tried tapering off it two years ago with really ugly effects, and had to begin taking it again just to function. I now feel that it is no longer working as it once did, and frankly my life has evolved to a point where I no longer feel I need it. I am going to make the informed choice to withdraw from it entirely this year, but first will seek the guidance of a psychiatrist who is sensitive to the withdrawal of this specific drug. Most G.P.'s and internists frankly are not.

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No. You're never supposed to take mental medication for life. You take them so you can live normally and go to therapy. Taking pills without going to therapy is a waste of time.

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Q: Can Lexapro be taken long term?
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The highest usual dose for lexapro is 20mg. So 30 will not help you. Sometimes a higher dose is used for OCD, but it probably won't help. Switch down to 20!

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Lexapro can be taken any time of the day with or without food. This answer straight from the packet instructions.

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My doctor prescribed 10 mg of Lexapro to me while I was taking 4mg of Coumadin daily. Not sure if it makes a difference but I am only on Coumadin for another 3 months and have been taking Lexapro for about a month. So I would imagine it is safe as long as you continue to have your INR levels monitored. But you may want to check with your dr especially if you need to be on Coumadin long-term or even forever in addition to the Lexapro.

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Wellbutrin and Lexapro work on different brain chemistries. Wellbutrin works on the dopamine while Lexapro works on Seratonin. Ten mg of Lexapro is a small dose. Wellbutrin can be taken twice a day to prolong its efficacy in conjunction with the Lexapro taken once. This is a standad therapy.

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Can Lexapro be mixed with paracetemol?

They can be combined with no known interactions. Nevertheless, it is advised that if you need to take paracetemol on a long term basis that you speak with a doctor. Lexapro and Paracetemol are both heavily processed by the liver. While Lexapro is not known to cause liver damage, Paracetemol has been known to cause liver damage over time.

Are there any long-term side-effects of using Lexapro for a short while?

I don't know about "short while", as I'm not sure how long you mean. A few months? A few years? How long is "short" vs. "long" to you? I took Lexapro for about 3 years straight. Currently, 4-5 years after quitting Lexapro, my formerly normal libido has NOT returned to what I recall as a "normal" level. In fact, it's hardly there at all. I don't know if this is due to general life stress or Lexapro, but I had plenty of the same stress BEFORE I went on Lexapro, so I'm suspecting the drug had/still has something to do with it. This drug is still fairly "new" to market, and little is known about long term side effects - the manufacturers and FDA don't usually research the side effects exhaustively before approving a new drug.