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I suggest you go to your doctor. Mirena IUD have many side effects and cramps is one of them.

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Q: Can Mirena cause cramps
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What happens when you have an Mirena IUD infection?

Mirena does not cause infections.

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Can Mirena cause left-sided pain?

A Mirena in place will not cause pain. See your health care provider to have your symptoms evaluated.

Does the Mirena IUD cause nipple soreness?

About 5% of women complain of breast tenderness on Mirena.

What are the risks of using a mirena coil?

"The insertion and removal of a mirena coil can be painful and cause bleeding. Also, pelvic infections and endometritis can occur. Mirena will sometimes cause side affects such as headaches, swelling in one leg, and chest pain."

You are using Mirena and you are urinating blood?

Mirena doesn't cause bleeding with urination. See your health care provider, as you probably have an infection.

Does IUD cause endometriosis?

Mirena can reduce the symptoms of endometriosis

Is heavy bleeding and clots after Mirena removal the first period?

Removal of Mirena in itself does not cause heavy bleeding and clots. Such symptoms are likely your period.

Can IUD cause seizures?

Yes I have had several since the mirena was taken out

Can lung problems cause bad body crAmps?

Can lung problems cause you to have severe muscle cramps

Can you have an mri while using mirena?

Yes, you can have a pap smear if you have any IUD, including Mirena. Colposcopy and LEEP can also be done with Mirena in, if needed.

You got Mirena in May and am still bleeding heavily and have really bad cramps is this normal?

I am sorry to hear that you are having a bad time with the Mirena. I too had the Mirena and experienced the same issues as yourself over an 8 month period. It turned out that I had several oversized Fibroids and the Mirena did not help with the stemming of heavy bleeding. I had my Mirena removed and subsequently the Fibroids - best thing I ever did. I know they say it can work instantly or may take a couple of months, but it depends on how long you want to continue with things they way they are. Good luck with which ever dicision you make.