

Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)

IUDs, or intrauterine devices, are an increasingly popular option for birth control. This category includes questions about Mirena, Paragard, and other IUDs or coils.

509 Questions

What happens if you never have an IUD removed?

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If you never have an IUD removed, it can potentially stay in your body indefinitely without causing harm. However, it is recommended to have it removed after its recommended lifespan to avoid any complications or issues such as pain, infection, or displacement.

What is the purpose of the string attached in IUD?

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IUDs are used to prevent pregnancy and are considered to be 95-98% effective. It should be noted that IUDs offer no protection against the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS ) virus or other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Is there more than one type of IUD?

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There are two types of IUDs. The US market has a copper IUD called Paragard. There are two hormonal IUDs on the market -- Skyla and Mirena.

What happens if Mirena moves and you cant feel it anymores?

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You're not supposed to "feel" the IUD, but you should be able to feel the strings. If you could find the strings and now can't, consider using emergency contraception if you've had sex in the last five days. Don't rely on the IUD for preventing pregnancy until you've had an exam with your health care provider.

When was the IUD invented?

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Dr. Ernst Grafenberg of Germany was the first to market them in 1929. Precursors to IUD's were first marketed in 1902.

Where does an IUD go?

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If the IUD is not in the uterus, it has likely fallen out.

Why take Mirena out in 5 years if enough to last 7?

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Because it's practically guaranteed to remain effective for the 5 years, but the probability of it remaining effective for 7 is slightly lower. It's precautionary to remove it, just in case it does not work the remaining 2 years.

When can you ovulate after IUD birth control?

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It is possible to become pregnant immediately after removal of an IUD. Even with mirena coils which contain small amounts of progesterone, the contraceptive won't work as soon as the IUD is removed.

Once your IUD is removed you can become pregnant immediately, it has no residual contraceptive effect.

85% of couples will get pregnant within the year, just as the rate if no IUD had been used.

How many days should you wait to test for pregnancy with IUD?

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IUDs are among the most effective methods of birth control. There is normally no cause to take a pregnancy test. With or without the IUD pregnancy tests detect pregnancy from sex that happened 10 to 12 days earlier.

Does CIGNA cover the IUD?

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Different plans within the same insurance company may have different formularies -- i.e. different lists of covered medications. Contact your health care provider, who can find out if Mirena is covered, or contact your insurance company directly using the number on the back of the card.

Can Mirena IUD cause bv and recurring yeast infections?

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I have had non stop uti's ( and also yeast infections from all the antibiotics to treat uti's) ever since i had mirena inserted in February 09. It has caused nothing but trouble for me. I actually just got off the phone with my gyno to schedule an appointment to have it removed. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone!

Can Mirena cause depression?

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While an IUD itself is unlikely to cause depression, infection or inflammation related to an IUD could cause abdominal pain and other problems that could lead to depression. There may also be emotional factors involved in the use of any birth control method, or related to sexual activities and relationships. Such concerns should be discussed with a professional in women's health.
The vagina and uterus are not part of the body system which causes depression. Depression is caused by an imbalance of chemicals inside the brain. I'd say you should look elsewhere for a cause if you are having symptoms of depression. Make an appointment to see your doctor for a good checkup to rule out some sort of physical illness!

Can you get preganet with twins with IUD?

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Yes, some women have carried a baby to full term with an IUD. The risk of complications is great, however, and so removal of the IUD is the normal course of affairs. If removal is not possible, the woman must be followed closely during her pregnancy.

Has there been a recall on Mirena birth control?

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No, there's been no recall of Mirena to date (March 2013).

Can you have a period with the IUD?

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While the copper IUD does not normally stop periods, a woman may miss a period for a number of reasons. Pregnancy and stress are common ones. Consider a pregnancy test if you're having other symptoms.

Is the cost of an IUD included in the code for insertion?

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No, the separate J code should be added to the claim for an IUD insertion. The device is not included in the insertion procedure code. (The same is true for the contraceptive implant as well).

Can an IUD contain hcg?

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There are no birth control pills on the market in 2013 that contain hCG.

Does monistat affect mirena?

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No. Not mirena but other birth controls with estrogen yes. St. John's Wart will process the estrogen from the birth control faster causing a menopausal reaction that may cause pregnancy. The mirena is esteogen free and uses only the hormones progestin and levonorgestrel. There is no evidence so far that St. John's wart has a negative effect on the mirena. Mirena also creates an atmosphere within your uterus to avoid pregnancy. You should read more on their website concerning how it works.

Is bleeding months after Mirena removal normal?

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Bleeding in between periods is common in the first few months of using Mirena, but gets better with time. Yellow discharge is not a normal Mirena side effect, and deserves to be discussed with your health care provider.

Does tenncare cover IUDs?

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Under the terms of the Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare"), IUD are covered by all Medicaid plans.

Is it normal to bleed bright red with blood clots the day after having your IUD removed?

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AnswerI had my IUD removed last monday. I was spotting when I had it removed( I'm not sure if it was my period or not cause it hasn't really been normal since I had it put in 2 1/2 years ago) and then I had a really heavy day of bleeding, then it was light for a few days then It was really heavy with clotting and everything this morning, now it seems to be gone again.

My Story:

I had mine removed last Tuesday. No spotting or cramping. After a few days, started what seemed to be a period. But it didn't get any lighter, and blood stayed quite red. A week later, passed a terrifying amount of blood clots (literally about the size of a dinner plate), and continue to bleed heavily. 8 days after removal, soaked a super tampon and the back up pad in less than 20 minutes. This is incredibly abnormal for me. The doc said to start taking BC pill and should help regulate everything.

Does citalopram affect the IUD?

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There are no known drug interactions between Prozac and the Paragard or Mirena IUD.