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Q: Can Obama's example of a monogamous marriage become a model for our country and a part of a leadership example?
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What is is monogamous?

think about it.. mono... one.... one thing.... example: custard, when made right, is monogamous.

What is a monogamous bird?

If you are looking for the definition, monogamous is a bird with only one mate. If you are looking for an example, a well-known monogamous bird is the bald eagle.

What is an example of democratic leadership?

There are a number of things that could be examples of democratic leadership. Holding elections is an example of democratic leadership.

IS-240 Leadership and Influence answers?

which of the following is not an example of effective leadership?

How do you get married properly?

Proper marriage is recognized by the law, and this depends on the country. For US for example proper marriage should take place in a church ordained by a minister or Reverend. While other countries recognize court marriage.

What were some of Brigham Young's ideas and beliefs?

Brigham Young was a Mormon, so his faith in the mission of Joseph Smith shaped many of his beliefs. He was a very pragmatic and practical man. Most unusually, he believed that plural marriage was closer to God's will for man than monogamous marriage. He had several wives himself and he encouraged all of the Mormons to follow his example.

Is a marriage preformed in Jamaica legally binding?

it is in Jamaica Any legal marriage performed in any country is legally recognised in many other countries. For example,, any country of the British Commonwealth will recognise a marriage from any other country whether that other country is part of the British Commonwealth or not.

Can you give me a complete sentence using the word leadership?

Example sentence - I quite enjoyed reading the book Rudy Guiliani wrote titled 'Leadership'. His great example of leadership will endure for decades to come.

What is bad leadership?

There can be several causes of 'bad leadership', depending on what the leader experiences during his/her moment in power. Also, it does move into the category of what bad actually means, and that it depends on the eye of the beholder. For one example many people consider Hitler to have been a 'bad' leader, but some believe Hitler to have led well. Bad leadership is often not caused by the leader, but by the events which take place during his or her leadership. For an example somebody may say that Gordon Brown has led badly, but others may blame it on the events which have taken place, for example the credit crunch, which Gordon Brown could do nothing to stop. Bad leadership could be caused if the leader was unwise in his decision, it could happen in many ways, it is all dependent on the eye of the beholder, on what the people believe to be bad leadership, for example Labour MPs may believe Mr Browns leadership to be outstanding (this I highly doubt), but Conservative MPs may believe Mr Browns governing policy to be completely attrocious. In conclusion, I believe that 'bad leadership' is completely dependent on the moods of the people, and leadership could be considered good by the people in one country, for example communism, but if that leadership moves to another country it is considered bad.

Leadership is best described as?

My idea is, Leadership is the ability to have other people follow you by the example that you present.

What is leadership program?

A popular leadership program, for example, Wharton Leadership Development, is leadership training program that powers up one's leadership skills. Leadership programs are also offered by famous universities like the University of Toronto.

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