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Q: Can Puerto Rican congress representative vote in congress?
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Can Puerto Rican living in the United States vote for the president?


Can Puerto Rico vote for presidenty?

The people of Puerto Rico elect their local government officials, their legislature and their governor. In that sense they have voting privileges. Because Puerto Rico has only a non-voting representative in the US Congress, the territory has no vote in the Electoral College so US citizens who are permanent residents of the Island cannot vote for President. However, if a Puerto Rican establishes residence in one of the states, (New York or Hawaii, for example) that person can vote for President from that residence, just as any other US citizen resident in that state.

What is Puerto Rico citizenship for president?

Rephrase your question. There is no strictly Puerto Rican citizenship, Puerto Rican residents ARE US citizens. As fas as the presidency goes, Puerto Ricans are not allowed to vote for the President of the United States because they are not residents of a US State.

Can Puerto Ricans vote in the primaries and elections for US president?

No. They do hold primaries, as do the American Somoas, the American Virgin Islands and Guam, but residents of these territories (considered to be U.S. citizens) are not allowed to vote for president. They can vote if they move to the United States as many of them have.

What level of government does a person vote for a representative to U.S. Congress?


Does Puerto Rico have congressmen?

Puerto Rico doesnt have voting representatives in the house like the states. Puerto Rico has a Resident Comissioner who is a non-voting representative in the house for puerto ricans which is Pedro Pierluisi

What year did the US take possession of Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico is not a state and never has been a state. It is a commonwealth that is a part of the US, acquired as a result of the Spanish American War. Should the majority of Puerto Rican residents eventually vote for Statehood, and the local legislature approves a resolution to petition the US Congress for Statehood, and the Governor of Puerto Rico approves the petition to the US Congress, then the US Congress (both House and Senate) must pass a resolution to admit Puerto Rico to the Union. If this resolution is passed and signed by the President Puerto Rico would become a state.

What is stopping Puerto Rico from becoming a state?

It has been an ongoing debate since 1948 whether to remain a commonwealth, seek statehood or become independent. What is stopping state hood is the vote of the Puerto Rican People. There have been three plebiscites on the question and so far, remaining a Commonwealth in Free Association with the US has won the vote. However if Puerto Rico ever voted for statehood, the US Congress would have to vote to grant admission as a state and then other political issues might stand in the way.

Did Puerto Rico vote to become a state?

Historically, both the movement for Puerto Rican statehood and the movement for Puerto Rican independence have known only marginal popular support, probably because just about anyone who lives there thinks that the Commonwealth status is best for the island. Residents know they have nothing to gain by statehood or independence, and everything to lose. Statehood would be a disaster, instantly lowering Puerto Rico's status to being the poorest of U.S. States while also costing the island's economy many millions of dollars in Federal monies. It would make residents of Puerto Rico liable for federal income tax, from which they are now exempt. It would damage beyond repair the rich Puerto Rican cultural heritage that is currently enjoying a renaissance, partly by requiring the exclusive use of the English language in public schools, and it would bring hundreds of other unwelcome intrusions. The chief, and perhaps the only benefit of statehood is that residents of Puerto Rico could then vote in U.S. Presidential elections, and would have the same representation in Congress that the residents of the other States have. So far, that has not seemed worth the price.

What area of the US only gets to vote for presidents and has no senators or representation in congress?

Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory that has no power in congress and no representation in the house, but have full citizenship. However, I do not think they can vote for presidents either.

Does puerto rico count in presidential election?

Puerto Rico has no votes in the Electoral College, so citizens who are permanent residents of Puerto Rico cannot vote for President. However, the political parties permit them to participate in the candidate selection process.

Did Congress vote to make Puerto Rico the 51st state?

No. The US Congress voted to permit the people of Puerto Rico to vote on whether they wanted to become a state, become an independent nation, or maintain their current status. The choice to maintain current status won in the several plebecites that have been held.