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Q: Can Rimadyl and amoxicillin be given at the same time to a dog?
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Can you take Flucloxacillin and clindamycin at the same time?

No. They should not be taken together. Oxytetrcycline is bacteriostatic and amoxicillin is bacteriocidal. Given together amoxicillin goes to waste and there are chances that bacteria may develope resistance to amoxicillin.

Is it common to have a penicillin AND amoxicillin allergy at the same time?

Yes. Amoxicillin is a penicillin family antibiotic

Can prednisone and carprofen be given at same time to a dog with stiffness and pain?

No. In fact, you should wait at least one week after the last dose of carprofen (Rimadyl) before starting prednisone, or another NSAID.



What is the difference between ampicillin and amoxicillin?

what is the difference between ampicillin and amoxicillin?I am not absolutely sure but I think they are basically the same drug. I believe they are an alternative to penicillin. Correct me if I a wrong?the differences are rgarding to the time of adminstration ,Ampicillin given 4 times per day and Amoxicillin 3 times so Amoxicillin is better and quicker absorbed

Can you take amoxicillin and accutane at the same time?

Yeah, you can, there's certain anti-biotics you can't take with any brand of accutane, but amoxicillin is an exception.

What happens if you take concreta and amoxicillin?

There is no problem in taking amoxicillin while on Concerta (or any methylphenidate pills) as long as you require both treatment. It can be taken at the same time.

Take amoxicillin and Motrin?

Yes, one may take amoxicillin and Motrin at the same time. Amoxicillin is an antibiotic and Motrin is an anti-pyretic.

Speed that is the same at any given time is?

Speed that is the same at any given time is uniform speed.

Can i give my dog Benadryl and rimadyl?

In general, Rimadyl's side effects are less significant for most dogs as compared to the side effects of Prednisone -- but the biggest risk of problems comes from having both of these drugs in the dog's system at the same time. In general, when changing over from one to the other, we try to aim for a 48 hour "washout period", to allow one drug to clear before introducing the other. If you gave a dose of Rimadyl earlier today, I would not suggest using Prednisone for at least another day and a half, if we're trying to do what's safest.

Can lithium and amoxicillin be taken at same time?

I've been taking it together and so far I haven't had any adverse reactions.

Can you take penicillin after amoxicillin?

yes complete penicillin then yes you can take penicillin after. in other words, They can be taken in consecutive time periods but not each pill at the same time. Pretty sure this is right answer but not 100% positive.