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Q: Can Sometimes criticism of your work will hurt feelings?
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The functions of criticism?

Criticism points out the mistakes and areas in need of improvement in a piece of work -in a book, for example. Good criticism (also known as Constructive Criticism), however, also includes suggestions on how to improve the work. Many people can't deal with criticism, because it can hurt to hear you made a mistake on something you worked hard on. When you take criticism, however, you can work to fix those problems and make your work even better. Criticism can be just as helpful as hard work and practice when it comes to improvement.

What is a good sentences with the word meant?

Here are some sentences.Your teacher meant for you to do this work yourself.He never meant to hurt her feelings.

If a person hurts you and later asks if she hurt you should you lie and say no?

This person probably did not mean to hurt your feelings, but obviously realizes they must have or she wouldn't be asking you so be honest with her and let her know she did hurt you and you will probably get an apology and everything will work out between the two of you. Sometimes people just don't think before they say something and this girl has realized she has possibly made a mistake by hurting you.

What is harsh criticism?

Harsh criticism refers to severe or unkind feedback given to someone about their actions, work, or behavior. It can be overly critical, damaging to one's self-esteem, and delivered in a way that is intended to hurt or belittle the person receiving it.

How do yo feel when someone criticises your ideas or your work?

Sometimes it hurts, but remember they are helping you whether they intend to or not- use their criticism to improve.

Why did undertaker get hurt In1999?

Due to his line of work, sometimes wrestlers get injured just from how much they do each night.

What are the two kinds of modern criticism?

The two kinds of modern criticism are formal criticism, which focuses on the analysis of the structure and style of a work, and thematic criticism, which delves into the underlying themes and messages within a work. Formal criticism examines how a piece of literature is constructed, while thematic criticism explores the meanings and ideas conveyed within the work.

What do you do if some one is mean to you?

You should either tell an adult or personally confront the bully and tell him that he has hurt your feelings or you. If that doesn't work, contact your parents or an adult.

How can you restore a friendship where feelings got in the way?

this is a very good question. You have to overcome feelings and work on building a friendship. Often if you have upset or hurt someone in aanyway best thing is to be the bigger person and say sorry! Don't let feelings get in the way. hold them back ! hope this helped !!!

Does taking a break in a relationship work?

Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't - however, whatever the outcome is it is generally for the best of both parties. It gives you time to sort out your feelings and decide what you really want.

What feelings do you have about roy lichtensteins work?

i have great feelings about lichtensteins work he uses great effects

What does LIs mean?

li means learning intention when you are in school you you that to set your work out nicely