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Fifteen states and Washington D.C. legalized medical marijuana use between 1996 and 2010. States that have legalized use are Alaska (1998), Arizona (2010), California (1996), Colorado (2000), Hawaii (2000), Maine (1999), Michigan (2008), Montana (2004), Nevada (2000), New Jersey (2010), New Mexico (2007), Oregon (1998), Rhode Island (2006), Vermont (2004) and Washington (1998); Washington D.C. legalized use in 2010. States that have legalized use have different laws on how much usable marijuana a prescription holder can possess or grow. As far as adding THC to medications..marijuana is considered as medication in states that have legalized it for medical purposes.

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15y ago

Yes-it is found in Marinol....a prescription drug used to help cancer patients gain an appetite

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Do certain coffees and teas contain THC in them?

Only if it has been added.

What else has THC?

THC is a chemical found naturally in a variety of Hemp plants, but mainly Cannabis Sativa.

How much do you have to smoke for THC to be in your system?

If you smoke weed in any way, you will have THC in your system. If you are only around the smoke though, it is highly improbable that you will have any detectable amount of THC in your system.

Does Kolonapin contain THC?

Kolonopin is a drug of it's own. It is in no way related to THC or any cannabinoid. It is a muscle relaxant and hypnotic drug, and is habit forming. It's more closely related to methamphetamine than to THC, and does not contain any THC.

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No there is no THC in spice. Spices is sprayed with a synthetic compound chemically similar to THC but it will not come up in a drug test.

Do any all natural or organic foods have THC in them?

yes it has thc in it due to where it is being grown

Can THC be detected when it is cooked?

Yes it cn be detected as long as it s THC and he mment t tops bng THC wont have the efet of THC. THC can be cooked for hours nder the right conditions without any efect on .it

Are there medications that would make you test positive for THC on a drug test?

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No. Hemp seeds do not contain any THC at all.

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camel crush does not contain any thc it is a ciggarette and it would be illegal for camel to sell then if it did.