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Q: Can The atmosphere produce the same effects as a prism when the Sun is low in the sky?
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Why is the sun bigger and red at sunset time?

The earth's atmosphere refracts the light of the sun like a prism, It also appears to get bigger for the same reason.

What does a person's body form to a regularly abused drug which means higher doses of the same drug are needed to produce the same effects?

For many drugs, a person's body forms a tolerance to a regularly abused drug which means higher doses of the same drug are needed to produce the same effects.

Is a square prism and a rectangular prism the same?


How is a cube and rectangular prism the same?

A cube is a special case of a rectangular prism. If each edge of a rectangular prism were of the same measure, then it would be a cube.

What a prism is used for?

To show that light is made up of colours through diffraction.A prism is a 3d shape that is the same 2d shape all the way along. Many things are shaped as prisms. for example a glass triangular prism can be used to reflect or defract light in telescopes or to produce coloured light.

What do cholinergic drugs produce?

cholinergic drugs are to produce the same effects as stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. These effects include slowing of the heartbeat, increases in normal secretions including the digestive acids of the stomach, saliva and tears.

Why is a cube a prism?

A prism has the same cross section throughout its length no matter what form it may take i.e. a cubic prism, a cuboid prism, a triangular prism, a hexagonal prism, a cylindrical prism etc.

Do all rectangular prism's have the same size of faces?

yes because if it doesn't have the same faces then its not a rectangular prism

Is it supposed to be hexagonal pyramid or prism?

they are the same one is a prism and one is a pyramid

Is a cuboid same as a rectangular prism?

Yes. A cuboid is also a rectangular prism

How is the rectangular prism and the rectangular prism alike?

they are the same shape, so they will be alike.

What is the cube and rectagular prism the same?

A cube is a special kind of rectangular prism.