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The earth's atmosphere refracts the light of the sun like a prism, It also appears to get bigger for the same reason.

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Q: Why is the sun bigger and red at sunset time?
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Why does the sun become bold and red during sunset?

Bigger due to refraction and reddish due to Rayleigh scattering.

What will the sunrise and sunset look like as a red giant?

You'll see the sun 200x bigger than today, and the sky will be black (either in sunrise or in sunset) because the heat of the sun will evaporate all of our atmosphere.

How long will the sunrise and sunset take if the sun were a red giant?

Sunrise and sunset may take longer if the sun were a red giant due to its larger size. The sun's expansion into a red giant would cause Earth to be engulfed, so the concept of sunrise and sunset would be moot.

Why does the sun appear red in the evening?

The sun appears red or orange at sunrise and sunset because of the dust particles in the air and the angle which the sun is striking Earth at the given time. This causes the reds and oranges (who are of longer wavelength) spread out and "appear" red.

Why did the sun get bigger?

The sun is getting bigger because it is becoming to the stage where it is growing into a red giant.

Is a red giant bigger then the sun?

Much Much Much bigger. But the Sun will turn into a Red-Giant in a couple billion years.Your welcome!

Why is the sun set red?

The son reflects off earth when it goes down making a red sunset

What time does sunset start at?

Sunset typically begins when the top edge of the sun disappears below the horizon. The exact time of sunset can vary depending on your location and the time of year. You can check local sunset times using a weather app or website.

How big is a red giant compared to your sun?

a red giant compared to our sun is about 10-100 times bigger.

Why does the sun appear dim at sunset?

At that time there is a lot more atmosphere between you and the sun than when the sun is overhead.

Are Red super giants hotter than the Sun Why?

Because the sun is a star, and red super giants are bigger stars.

What time does sun set on the 11302013?

The time of sunrise and sunset are dependent on the date and the location. You can use the US Naval Observatory's Sunrise/Sunset Calculator to figure out what time the Sun rises or sets for any date and location.