

Can Untreated retinal detachment can result in blindness?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Can Untreated retinal detachment can result in blindness?
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Is the retina firmly attached to the choroid layer?

The retina is not attached as firmly as you might hope and a a result retinal detachment, due to trauma or some diseases, is not uncommon.

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What is hypermyopia?

Extreme short sightedness Hypermyopia is Retinal Detachment The retina is attached to the sclera in the back of the eye, and a retinal detachment occurs when it is pulled away from this normal position. The retina, like film in a camera, is responsible for creating the images that one sees. A good picture could not be produced if the film were not in its correct location within the camera, and we lose vision if the retina is not in its proper place within the eye. The retina detaches by separating from the back wall of the eye. When it is removed from its blood supply (the choroid), it will lose nourishment and result in a loss of some vision if not repaired in time. This retinal tear may be caused by trauma or by a vitreous detachment (or "posterior vitreous detachment"). Vitreous detachment, not uncommon in older people, results from the vitreous fluid shrinking and pulling away from the retina. This causes "floaters," which do not damage the retina or vision. Extreme short sightedness Hypermyopia is Retinal Detachment The retina is attached to the sclera in the back of the eye, and a retinal detachment occurs when it is pulled away from this normal position. The retina, like film in a camera, is responsible for creating the images that one sees. A good picture could not be produced if the film were not in its correct location within the camera, and we lose vision if the retina is not in its proper place within the eye. The retina detaches by separating from the back wall of the eye. When it is removed from its blood supply (the choroid), it will lose nourishment and result in a loss of some vision if not repaired in time. This retinal tear may be caused by trauma or by a vitreous detachment (or "posterior vitreous detachment"). Vitreous detachment, not uncommon in older people, results from the vitreous fluid shrinking and pulling away from the retina. This causes "floaters," which do not damage the retina or vision.

What can Blindness cause?

Despite the previous version of the answer, there is no credible evidence at all for radiation from television, cellphones or computers causing either temporary or permanent blindness. Looking at the sun can overwhelm the retinal cells and cause temporary blindness, but may also very easily cause permanent damage. There are a number of causes of temporary blindness, but most temporary blindness results from sudden temporary changes in blood pressure, such as aortic dissection, basilar artery or retinal migraine, cardiac or carotid emboli, choroidal or retinal vascular spasm, hyperviscosity, severe occlusive carotid disease. Stress responses (temporary blindness is sometimes seen in soldiers in conflict) or mild strokes may also have the same effect. Other causes of temporary blindness may result from chemical or biochemical poisons such as Pepper Spray, or plants such as daphne or spurge.

I have a corneal ulcer and find my vision is getting worse?

seek medical treatment immediately---preferably an opthalmologist. If left untreated, your ulcer can result in impaired vision and possibly blindness!!

Is the use of a laser to reattach a retinal detachment?

Detached Retina Symptoms - Fast Action Can Save Your EyesAre you experiencing hazy vision or are you bothered by floating specks? These are symptoms of a detached retina which needs immediate attention from your doctor. If not attended to right away, then this condition can lead to blindness. In order to properly function, the retina should receive oxygen and nutrients from the blood vessels underneath. When it separates from the blood vessels, the condition is called retinal detachment. In the United States alone, approximately 20,000 people annually suffer from retinal detachment. It is the result of an eye injury, cataract surgery, or an extreme case of nearsightedness.Men are more prone to having this condition than their female counterparts and its onset is higher in people with eye tumor and hypertension. Genetics also play a crucial factor in the development of the condition as it has the tendency to run in families. Doctors characterize it as a medical emergency which requires immediate surgery because it could lead to the permanent loss of vision in the affected eye.Although the condition is painless, detached retina symptoms manifest themselves prior to the detachment. It involves the shrinking and sagging of the vitreous fluid within the eyeballs. The tugging of the retina results to the sensation of flashing images. When strong enough, this may cause the retinal tear and consequently damage the small blood vessels paving the way for blood to seep into the vitreous.Whether or not surgical procedures will help is determined by the condition of the patient. For example, if there is only retinal tearing but no detachment from the blood vessels below is involved, laser treatment or photocoagulation can undo the damage. Likewise, performing cryopexy, which involves application of cold temperature to produce a scar which holds the retina in place, can also repair the damaged retina.Surgical procedures are only resorted to when there is detachment of the retina. The treatment should be performed at once because rods and cones die when detached from their source of nourishment for an extended period of time. This could lead to permanent blindness and nothing can bring back the loss vision.Detached retina symptoms are usually treated using one of three surgical methods, some of which are integrated with photocoagulation or cryopexy. These surgical procedures are designed to close retinal holes or tears in order to minimize the tugging of the retina from a shrinking vitreous. The kind of procedure to be recommended by the surgeon is dependent on the kind, size, and position of the detached retina. These procedures can successfully treat over 90 percent of retinal detachment patients although another treatment is sometimes needed.Looking to make a change? Nothing can make a dramatic impact like non prescription colored contacts. See how cosmetic contact lenses can change your life.

What can cause blindness in one eye?

Despite the previous version of the answer, there is no credible evidence at all for radiation from television, cellphones or computers causing either temporary or permanent blindness. Looking at the sun can overwhelm the retinal cells and cause temporary blindness, but may also very easily cause permanent damage. There are a number of causes of temporary blindness, but most temporary blindness results from sudden temporary changes in blood pressure, such as aortic dissection, basilar artery or retinal migraine, cardiac or carotid emboli, choroidal or retinal vascular spasm, hyperviscosity, severe occlusive carotid disease. Stress responses (temporary blindness is sometimes seen in soldiers in conflict) or mild strokes may also have the same effect. Other causes of temporary blindness may result from chemical or biochemical poisons such as Pepper Spray, or plants such as daphne or spurge.

How can visual impairment be prevented?

Regular eye exams are important to detect silent eye problems (e.g., glaucoma). Left untreated, glaucoma can result in blindness.

What is it when you hit the back of your head and then see sharp bright light out of the corner of your eye for about 30minutes?

The sharp light is a result of some physical stimulus on the retina , the light sensitive part at the back of the eye(rather like the screen of a projector). Generally , it is advisable to consult an eye doctor to make sure there's no problems(eg retinal detachment) when one gets a knock or a trauma to the head or eye.Often, a retinal detachment (or torn retina) will give rise to such 'bright lights' or sometimes known as a 'lightning effect'

Where is it possible to learn about a diabetic retinopathy?

Diabetic retinopathy is the result of complications of diabetes and can result in blindness if left untreated. Your doctor is the best resource in learning about diabetic retinopathy He will explain everything you need to know in detail. If more information is needed there are books available for reading at your local library.