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Of course a Christian would disagree with the above view. It is, according to the New Testament, definitely possible to be a Christian and a Jew. ALL of the first Christians were Jews. Every one of the 12 disciples of Jesus were Jewish. Jesus HIMSELF was Jewish. The Bible says that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was "to the Jew first, and also to the Greek" (the word then used for non-Jews). Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.


If it gives some comfort in some way to a Christian to claim or profess some kind of vestigial connection to Judaism, that's his business. Anyone interested or concerned to get to the bottom of the true situation would certainly want to know more details. And, although an individual who had accepted Christ as his lord and savior, been born again, given his life over, etc. could be accorded the same common courtesy as any other visitor to a synagogue, he would not be counted in the Jewish community for any ritual purposes, and would generally not be viewed as an individual who could in any way be expected to help make life any easier for the Jewish community.

Jewish ResponseFrom the Jewish perspective, it is absolutely impossible for a person to be both Christian and Jewish at the same time. The reason being that the core tenets of Christianity directly violate the teachings of Judaism. It is not possible for a person to believe two completely opposing sets of beliefs at the same time.
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12y ago
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12y ago

if one of your parents were Jewish and the other parent was christian, you would be half christian and half Jewish but couldn't belive in every aspect of both of those religions since Jewish people don't belive Jesus was the son of God but Christian people do. you may celebrate both Easter and hannukah but you can not be a conservative for both religions because that would be plainly contradicting yourself.


Yes, you can be both.

Unfortunately, these days, "Jew" has come to be thought of as a "religion" rather than a "blood descendant of the tribe of Judah," which is what a Jew is. It's a "race" thing, not a religious thing.

So, while "Christian" and "Jewish" as religious labels are incompatible... being a "converted Christian born of a descendant of the Jewish race" is compatible.

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12y ago

There are different points of view on this question.

Some people claim that Christianity is a form of Judaism, since it was established by a rabbi and continued Jewish practice. Most Christians and Jews do not hold to this idea, but a significant number do.

Another idea is that a Jew can be a Christian. There are people who practice Judaism, but believe that Jesus was the Messiah and incorporate that belief into their Jewish practice. The religion of such people is called Messianic Judaism. The Christians I have heard talk about this practice seem to regard it as Christian and Jewish, once they get past the shock. I once knew a man who followed Jewish religious practices and was a Roman Catholic Priest.

Most Jews claim that a Messianic Jew is not a real Jew at all because a real Jew is waiting for the Messiah to come. Messianic Jews respond by saying that they are waiting for the Messiah to come again.

Mainstream Jews and Christians seem to believe the whole idea of a person being both a Christian and a Jew is absurd.

In addition to the "Jesus" issue, there is much in Jewish and Christian theology which is very different such as concepts of sin, purity, redemption, confession, nationality, political involvement, jurisprudence, divine realms, sacrifices, prayer, personal obligations, communal obligations, and holy languages. Judaism, theologically, is much closer to Islam than it is to Christianity. Therefore, it is possible for a Christian to take on some Jewish practices, but usually they still accept the theological ideas that are deeply and profoundly Christian.

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8y ago

From a personal or "ethnic" standpoint, a person could say that he is half-and-half. From a theological point of view, it is impossible. The beliefs of Judaism and Christianity are irreconcilable because they fundamentally disagree about the nature of Jesus.

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8y ago

Since a Christian is not an ethnicity as Jews are, therefore the better question is 'Can a person have one parent who is Christian (adhering to the faith) and another who is Jewish (descendent of Judah primarily). The answer is yes. However, when dealing in faiths - belief systems - there are currently few Jews who would accept the 'New Covenant' established by Jesus Christ as most Christians do. From the Christian perspective then, this barrier between the Congregation of Israel - today the Jewish faith and the Church of God is prophesized to disappear fully in the Millennial Age.

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8y ago

According to Judaism, a Jew is any person whose mother was Jewish (Talmud, Kidushin 68b), or any person who has gone through a proper conversion to Judaism (Talmud, Yevamot 47a).If your mother is Christian, according to Judaism you're Christian.

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12y ago

No you can not because if you are Jewish you don't believe in Jesus and to be christian you need to believe in Jesus and that he died for you.

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9y ago

Yes it is. My mother is christian and father jew and we celebrate both holidays and follow both religious

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