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To do so would be a deliberate infliction of pain and suffering, and should result in criminal charges for animal cruelty being laid against the perpetrator.

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Q: Can a 120 volt taser gun be used on a German shepherd?
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Related questions

How many volt does a taser have?

50,000 volts. N.B. It isn't the voltage that kills you, it is the amps.

Does a 240 volt taser hurt?

That depends on the amp. if it has a very small current, it will only feel a little numbing.

Can a 440 volt capacitor be used for a 230 volt application?

No. The capacitor will short out and possibly explode. On the other hand, the 440 Volt Cap can be used in a 220 Volt circuit.

What metric unit of measurement is used on a volt meter?

The volt.

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Can a 12 volt charger be used to charge a 8 volt battery?


What unit is used to measure volt?

A volt is itself a unit.

How do you convert a German 220 volt chandelier to USA 110 volt?

If you want mood lighting just connect it as is, the brightness of the bulbs will be half. If you want full brightness change the bulbs to 120 volt with bulbs of the same wattage as the 220 volt bulbs.

What is the minimum volt rating of wire used in a 3 phase 4160 volt phase to phase system?

5000 volt

Can a 12 volt battery charger be used to charge a 24 volt battery?

no it can't

How many volt DC systems are used in a car?

Most cars use a 12 volt system. Most cars built before about 1956 used a 6 volt system. Some, very few, use a 24 volt system.

Can a 220 volt side lamp be used on 120 volt?

Yes. But not the other way. 120 volt one, cannot withstand 220volt.