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A 13 year old girl and an 18 year old girl can share a room. Sometimes, girls must share a room out of necessity. If this causes problems, then each girl should proclaim a side and keep their belongings there.

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Yes. In no state is there anything stating that's illegal.

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Q: Can a 13 and 18 year old girls share a room?
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It is not illegal for siblings to share a room. Age has nothing to do with it.

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This is very possible, unless one of the girls is very territorial and slaughters the other over disputes of where the other will sleep in the room. Yes. It may be ok if you act like your mature enough to share one. Also you shouldn't act naughty.

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No anything can happen

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Of course. I don't think he'll be happy about it, but there is no law against it.

Can my 12 year old daughter share a room with my 5 year old son And if so for how long can they share a room together?

No, she is too old to share a room with a 5 year old. As a preteen she is starting to develop and learn about herself in relationships to the world and other people. Life is confusing enough for a girl her age without having any privacy. A 5 years old doesn't understand giving another person space and is very egocentric. The teen is also egocentric and very concerned with looks, hair, clothes, and what others think. Together they will not be able to share a room for very long without problems.