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Yes, legally at the age of twelve a child can choose which parent he / or she wants to live with and visits with.

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Q: Can a 13 year old refuse to see a parent for visitation in Idaho?
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Can a 16 year old refuse to see parent for visitation in wisconsin?

Assuming the visitation is court ordered, then no. If there is a legitimate reason the minor does not want to spend time with the parent (ie they're a drug abuse), then the custodial parent needs to petition the court for a modification of the visitation order.

Can a 14 year old refuse visitation in NY state?

See Link Below'Child Refusing To Visit Other Parent?'

Can your 11 year old refuse to go on overnight visitation in Illinois?

see link

How many days in the Standard visitation for noncustodial parent?

180 days per year, per parent on a 2 year average.

Can a sixteen year old in Texas refuse visitation to the non custodial parent?

To change the court order your parents have to go back to the court where it was issued. Then you can tell the judge what you want and a new court order will be made.

Can an 18 year old stop visitation with the noncustodial parent in Indiana?


What visitation schedule is good for a 2 year old does not know non custodial parent?

The visitation schedule for the non-custodian parent who does not know the child should start out slow. You may want to stay when the child is with the parent he or she does not know.

What options does a 17-year-old have if he doesn't want to participate in court ordered visitation with a parent?

unless the father is abusing the 17yr old physically or emotionally then there isn't much of a choice. Court order visitation is mandatory unless the parent with visitation relinquishes his or her right to do so. The option is for the custodial parent to file a petition on behalf of the minor requesting the visitation order be amended or rescinded. A 17-year-old would be given the opportunity to present reasons for the request to the judge, likewise, the parent who holds visitation rights would be allowed to file an objection.

Does my 14 year old in GA have to visit his other parent if he doesn't want to?

If the parent has court-ordered visitation, yes. If there is a legitimate reason the child does not want to visit the parent, the custodial parent can petition the court to revise the visitation order. Be aware the court will not deny a parent the right to visitation without a very good reason, nor will they look kindly on a custodial parent who request it without a very good reason.

Does a 16 year old have to go to noncustodial parent if she does not wish to?

If there is a court order for visitation, yes.

Can a 17 year old date a 19 year old In Idaho?

In Idaho, the age of consent is 18. Therefore, it is generally not legal for a 17-year-old to date a 19-year-old in Idaho. It is important to be aware of the laws surrounding age of consent in your state to avoid any legal issues.

Can a 14 year old living in NC decide she doesn't want to visit a parent on assigned weekends?

Assuming the parent has court-ordered visitation, no she can't. If there is a legitimate reason the child does not want to visit the parent, the custodial parent can petition the court to revise the visitation order. Be aware the court will not deny a parent the right to visitation without a very good reason, nor will they look kindly on a custodial parent who request it without a very good reason.