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legally, i think so, but it depends on how mature they are

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Q: Can a 14 year old sister take care of a 12 year old sister?
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Can a 15 year old babysit his 10 year old sister?

i am probably right when i say this, the 10 year old is probably old and mature enough to watch and take care of herself. and your son probably wouldn't pay enough attention or care enough about his younger sister. good luck.

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If the mother puts in writing that the 14 year old can stay with her 21 year old sister, i believe so. If not, you can go to court and tell the judge that the father is abusive and has been in the past and the sister is legal and stable enough to take care of the 14 year old.

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HI! I am also 11 year old. Well, you obviously can't take care of a 10 year old brother but you can take care of a 6 year old and 5 year old. Its a bit hard but if they are calm enough, its easy as a pie!! Good luck and hope they wont get too naughty!

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take her out

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run on sentence. consider revising.

Is a 13 year old mature enough for a fish acquarium?

Depends on only the 13 year old...if they do chores,help their mom,care about brother/sister's ,then they can try to care for a fish aquarium.

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Only if it is rated G.

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Not all 13 years old have a sufficient maturity and sense of responsibility that they could be entrusted with the care of a 7 year old, but some do.

Can you claim a sister on your taxes if your parents do not work?

yes, if that sister has resided with you 6-12 months of the previous year and you have taken care of that sister,I know this because my 11 year old brother resides with me and I file him on my taxes

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