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Depends on your local/state laws but no judge will emancipate a 15yo minor with a child just so she can move in with her boyfriend. To be emancipated you will have to prove you can pay your own bills, have a job, a place to live etc. If allowed in your state you might be allowed to marry and get emancipated that way but at 15 you usually need court permission to do so and they often find 15 too young unless there are certain circumstances.

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Q: Can a 15 year old mother be emancipated to live with the father of her child?
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In Tennessee can a minor move in with the father of her child?

If she is emancipated or has her parents permission she can live where ever she wants.

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That's up to the judge.see link

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It depends on the state you live in and the age of the child.

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Only in cases of illegitimate births. Well, the mother can take the child but she can't stop the child from seeing the father. the child deserves to see the father in their life. The father can also take the child back and the parents can share time with the child. Or the child can make his/her own decision to live with the mother or father.

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No, minors do not have the right to choose where to live.

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No, he only have rights to say about the child and not the mother's personal life.

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yes, he always should pay child support because she is his child.

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