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No. The child may only make that decision when they reach the age of majority in the state where they reside (18, in NY).

Otherwise, the custodial parent may be held in contempt of court for failing to abide by a court order. Contempt of court may lead to jail or a modification in the custody order giving the child's custody to the non-custodial parent. A child cannot refuse to visit the other parent until they reach 18 years of age in virtually every state in the United States.

However, the child DOES have the right to write a letter to the judge with jurisdiction in the case outlining the reasons why they do not want to visit their parent (and those reasons better be good and truthful) or engage an attorney or guardian ad litem to petition the court on their behalf to do the same. The judge may take the child's wishes into consideration, but ultimately, he or she will rule in favor if the best interests of the child, which almost always includes the child maintaining contact with both parents.

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Q: Can a 15 yr old decide not to visit no custodial parent on a bi weekely basis in ny?
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Pay what? In California, child support can be increase if he is not seeing the children on a regular basis.

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The way it breaks down is for every month the child was with the custodial parent, that child had needs. those needs needed to be met and paid for by on of the parents, generally on a half and half basis. If the dues have been paid up until the point when the child moves into a non-custodial parents home, the laws become fuzzy, but still favor the custodial parent. Even if the child goes to live with the non-custodial parent while he/she still owes money for past due child support, he/she still must pay that as if it were a debt to a creditor. Even after the 18th birthday of the child, the "bill" still is a valid debt, and legal action may be taken if unpaid. I have known a man in his 70's paying past due child support on 3 of his children ages 40, 46, and 53.

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The cartoons (Filmation, and columbia,) Yes. The old series, sure. The movies? Well, they should decide that on a parent to kid basis

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Usually the state has a formula for computing support based on how much money each parent makes. If you make more than the non-custodial parent but are responsible for insuring the minor child, those costs should be computed at that same percentage and included in the support order. Anything extra, such as fees for special education, sports, medical, dental, or orthodontics not covered by the insurance should be split the same way on an as-needed basis, with the non-custodial parent paying the their share within 30 days of the payment having been made.

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When states determine the amount of child support a parent must pay they do not necessarily factor in the cost of living. The basis for support is determined primarily of the needs of the child, the income of each parent, the ability for the non-custodial parent to pay and the standard of living the child was accustomed to prior to the divorce or separation.

Can a 15 yr old decide not to visit non custodial parent on a bi weekly basis?

Not if the 15 year old lives in the United States. The minor must reach the age of majority (18 at least in most states) before they can make such a decision without court permission.However, a younger child is always free to express their wishes, either in court or by writing a letter to the judge in charge of their custody/visitation. If the judge feels the child provides valid reasons why they no longer wish to visit their parent, the visitation order may be modified.Otherwise, court ordered visitation must continue until that happens, if it happens, or the custodial parent could be found in contempt of court and fined or even jailed for their child's failure to obey court ordered visitation.

Can a child choose which parent to live with?

The courts decide custody issues, and they do so on the basis of what they believe to be in the best interest of the child. If the child has an opinion about what is in his or her own best interest, he or she can certainly say so to the court.

Is child support monthy?

I get child support on a weekly basis, but in my case the NCP Non custodial parent pays on his own without need for garnishment. Support can be received weekly/ bi-weekly, monthly. It all depends on how often the child support is being collected.

Who is responsible for transportation when the non-custodial parent moves?

The parent responsible is the one with whom the child is staying with at the time the function occurs, unless, physically or schedule-wise, it's impossible for that parent to take the child to the function. (Parent has to work at that time, cannot drive or does not have their own vehicle). In that case, the other parent should step up to the plate, or make prior arrangements for another relative or friend to take the child. What matters here is what's best for the child, not either parent's resentment. If this issue can't be resolved privately between the parents, a family law attorney or professional mediator should be contacted.

How does income taxes and child support work?

it works like this. if you get a divorce, the husband has to pay child support. it is like this because when they made this husbands worked and wife stayed home so the wife needed money to support the child.Added: The above is a VERY BASIC answer. In actuality, the assessment of child support COULD apply to either parent. It applies to both parents regardless of sex, and it is awarded on the basis of which parent (Mom or Dad) is the 'custodial parent' (i.e.: the parent with permanent custody of the child(ren)).It is calculated on a standardized (for that particular state) sliding percentage scale taking into consideration both the contributing and receiving parents income. Child support is awarded by court order or by order of the Department of Child and Family Services, and the 'contributing' parent can have their pay garnished for the awarded amount every month. For information about your particular jurisdiction, contact the family division of your state civil court system.

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The courts decide issues of child custody on the basis of the best interest of the child. If the courts have made the wrong decision you may petition them to change that decision.

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The judge will consider such factors as who has been taking the children to the doctor/dentist, who has provided child care on a daily basis such as help bathing and dressing, who prepared meals, who went to school conferences, sports, etc. The judge will try to decide the matter in the best interest of the children.