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Q: Can a 16 year old in NC quit school with out permission?
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Can a seventeen year old quit school without a parents permission in ny?

No. I belive you have to be one year older in order to do so.

How old do you have to be to quit school in Illinois?

any age, you probably can't quit k-8th, but you can quit high school and collage

Does a 16 yr old in NY need parents permission to quit school?

They are still a minor. They will need parental permission.

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How do you talk your parents into letting you quit school?

you tell them the truth, that you dont like the class,and then you tell them why.

Does a 14 year old have to get permission from their school to have a job?

No. If the parent's or legal guardian's have given their permission a 14 year old can have a job. School does not have any direct relationship with a job.

Does 16 yr old need permission to quit school in Texas?

Yes, and I believe they also have to be enrolled in a ged program.

Can a 17 year old quit school legally in South Carolina?


Can a 16-year-old drop out of school without parent permission in Iowa?

No, in Iowa, a student must attend school until they turn 18 or graduate. A 16-year-old cannot drop out of school without parental permission.

Can a 16-year-old drop out of school without his parents' permission in Arizona?


Can a 17-year-old transfer to a different school on their own?

No, he or she would need parental or guardian permission and permission from the administrator/supervisor of the school district.

Can a 16-year-old quit school without parental consent in New York?

Answer:Technically no, But if you do quit school nobody will stop you as dss does not reconize the age of 16 or above, However you can get a job and quit.