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{| |- | No, they cannot sign the lease paperwork. They can certainly move into the apartment with the permission of the parents. And if the parents or boyfriend sign the lease, there should be no problems. |}

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Q: Can a 17-year-old sign a lease for an apartment in Missouri without emancipation papers but with parental permission and a boyfriend being the main leaser on the lease?
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Can a 16yr pregnant teen move in with boyfriend if parents give permission?

Yes she can since she has their permission. Or if she has obtained an order of emancipation from the court. Just being pregnant does not change the requirements to move out.

Can a 16 year old girl with a baby move out of her mothers house and go live with her boyfriend?

If she has her parents' permission. Until she reaches the age of majority, she is the responsibility of her parents. She can either seek emancipation or permission to marry.

Can a pregnant 16 year old move in with her boyfriend in the state of Illinois?

No, the age of emancipation in the US is 18 years old. If there are extenuating circumstances, permission would have to be granted by court order.No, the age of emancipation in the US is 18 years old. If there are extenuating circumstances, permission would have to be granted by court order.No, the age of emancipation in the US is 18 years old. If there are extenuating circumstances, permission would have to be granted by court order.No, the age of emancipation in the US is 18 years old. If there are extenuating circumstances, permission would have to be granted by court order.No, the age of emancipation in the US is 18 years old. If there are extenuating circumstances, permission would have to be granted by court order.No, the age of emancipation in the US is 18 years old. If there are extenuating circumstances, permission would have to be granted by court order.

Your boyfriend and his ex and I are part of the same group of friends. She is renting an apartment and your boyfriend says there is nothing between them and when you asked her she did not answer?

You did not make it plain if she was co-renting with your boyfriend or she has her own apartment in the same complex. If she is sharing rent with him then this is not a good set-up and your boyfriend should not be having anything to do with her. If she is renting her own apartment (possibly in the same building) she may be the one trying to cause mistrust between you and your boyfriend by purposely not answering your question as to whether there is anything going on with your boyfriend and her. Be smart, talk to your boyfriend and if she is living in his apartment tell him it's either her or you. If she is just living in the same apartment complex he may be telling the truth and it may be his ex trying to be close to him and he is being honest about it to you and there is nothing he can do about her renting in the same complex. Straighten this problem out with your boyfriend as soon as you can. Don't bother speaking with his ex.

How can you get emancipated if you and your mom and her boyfriend don't get along in Arizona and if you are seventeen?

Arizona has no emancipation statute.

Can a 17-teen-old emancipate themself and move with there boyfriend in Texas?

You'd have to petition the court for emancipation and meet all the requirements for it. It's rarely granted. And no court will emancipate a minor so she can move in with her boyfriend-that's not the purpose of emancipation.

If your mother is really mean and makes you feel like a failure you have a job you can buy and keep an apartment and you have a boyfriend that can live with and provide for you can you get emancipated?

In some case yes. That is mental abuse and if you can take care of yourself, you can get emancipated. But you should check your state emancipation laws before you file for it.

Can a 17 year old girl move in with a 20 year old boyfriend whom she has a child with without her parents permission?

That is dependent of specific state laws addressing factors related to age of consent, as well as emancipation. In the state of Texas, yes after age 16.

If you are evicted from your apartment can you live with your boyfriend in the same apartment complex?

If you move in with your boyfriend, by law you are supposed to add your name to the lease with the landlord. All persons age 18 and over are supposed to be added to the lease if they are permanent residents.

What actress' daughter stabbed her mothers boyfriend to death?

Lana Turner's daughter stabbed Lana's boyfriend to death in Lana's apartment

Can a pregnant 17 year old move in with her boyfriend?

With parental permission she can.

Is it trespassing if you go into your boyfriend's apartment to remove your personal belongings if he is not home?

Yes, it is considered trespassing to enter someone else's property without their permission, regardless of your previous relationship with them. It is best to communicate with your boyfriend and arrange a time to retrieve your belongings when he is present or give you permission to enter.