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No. Unless the minor has been emancipated or The child is in an unsafe environment(Child should call Social Services)

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Q: Can a 17 year old female in Tennessee move to Michigan without parent consent?
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Can a 17 year old female get married without consent?


In Michigan can a 16 year old Female move in with a 22 year old male without the parents' consent if the Female is pregnant?

No i don't think they should. I think she is too young for him and even tho she is pregnant she should just stay at home with her parents

In Oklahoma can a female who is 19 and a male who is 16 date without parental consent?


Can a 17-year-old female get married without parental consent in Texas?


Can an 18-year-old female move out of her parents' house without their consent in Tennessee?

Yes, unless there is a court order in place directly forbidding the action. 18 is the age of majority for the state so the female would be considered an adult and no longer under the jurisdiction of her parents.

In the state ofd Michigan can a 16 yr old female date a 19 yr old male?

There are no laws about dating. The legal age of consent for sexual activity in Michigan is 16.

In Idaho Can a 17-year-old female leave home to live with her boyfriend without her parents' consent but with her boyfriend's parents' consent to move in with him?

No. There are only a few things that a child can do without parents' consent, and moving in with a boyfriend is not one of them.

Is there anywhere in Missouri where a 16-year-old female can get married to a 19-year-old male without parental consent?

No. Missouri requires that you be 18 to marry without parental consent.

Can a 17 year old female with a baby legally get married without parental consent?


Is there any possible way for a 16-year-old female in the state of Missouri to marry a 21-year-old male without her parents' consent without being emancipated?

No, the parents would have to give consent or the minor female would need to obtain the consent of the court before a marriage license would be issued.

Is it legal for a 19 year old military personnel have intercourse with a 16 year old female in the state of Indiana without consent?

Fortunately for the ladies out there, it is Illegal to have intercourse with any female without their consent to you doing it. If you meant "without the parental consent" of the minor 16 year old.. The answer would be NO. It is not legal for a 19 year old to have intercourse with a minor.

Can a 17 year old female get married to a 19 year old in Vegas without parental consent?
