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can but should not

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Q: Can a 17 year old girl date a 27 year old boy in the state of Texas?
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Is it illegal for a 19 year old girl to date a 20 year old male in the state of Texas?

No you are both adults and do as you wish.

Is it legal for an 18 year old boy to date a 15 year old girl without parental consent in the state of Texas?


Is it legal for a 17 year old boy to date a 15 year old girl in the state of Texas?

They are both minors, so yes.

Is it legal for a 17 year old boy date a 15 year old girl in the state of Texas?

They are both minors, so yes.

Is it legal for an 19-year-old boy to date a 15-year-old girl in the state of Texas?

You can date. You just can't have sex or perform any sexual acts.

Is it legal for an 19-year-old boy to date a 17-year-old girl in the state of Texas?

It may be ok to "date" a 17 year old, but having a sexual relationship with her is illegal and is called statuatory rape.

Can a 16 year old girl date a 18 year old boy in Texas?

17 is the age of consent in Texas

Can a 17 year old date a 19 year old who is in the army?

it depends. Is she going to further the relationship or what. I know in my state, Texas a girl can legally get married at the age of 17.

Is it legal for a 17 year old to date a 33 year old in the state of Texas?


Can 16 year old boy date 17 year old girl in Texas?

Yes because 16 is the youngest that someone can date.

Is it illegal or legal for a 15 year old girl to date an 18 year old boy without parental consent in the state of Texas?

Yes doesnt make illegal or legal?

Can a 17 year old girl date a 28 year old man in texas?

Anyone can date anyone. Sex may be a crime, though.