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Depends on state law. Yes in Texas.

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Q: Can a 17 year old live alone?
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Can a thirteen year old leave alone?

NO! You cant live by yourself until you are 17 that is if you have money to go live on your own

Can a 17 year old move in with a 18 year old?

In the US, a 17 year old can live anywhere his/her parents allow him/her to live.

Can a 17 year old live alone in New York with parent permission?

Yes, if they have parental permission. That does not relieve the parents of their responsibilities.

Can a 17 year old legally live alone in Louisiana with parental consent?

No. He can not legally move out without their permission until he is 18.

Can 17 year old live alone in texas?

Yes, but not automatically. 17 year olds are still minors under Texas state law, but they can petition to become emancipated (as can 16 year olds who are financially independent).

Can a 17 year old mother live alone with her child if her parent is okay with it?

Yes. It does not relieve the parents of their responsibilities. And it does not give her the right to contract.

Can a 17 year old male live alone in Texas without a guardian?

In Texas, a 17-year-old is considered a minor and cannot live alone without a guardian or parental consent. The legal age of majority in Texas is 18, so individuals under 18 are generally required to have a guardian.

Is it legal for 20 year old boy to be home alone for weekend with 17 year old girl?

Probably. :)

Can 17 year old high school grad work alone in Michigan?

A 17-year old high school grad cannot work alone in Michigan. The person needs to be at least 18 years of age.

Ca a 17 year old live alone in state of Texas if parents grant permission?

sure. good luck getting someone to rent to you though.

Can a 17-year-old leave home to live with her 17- year-old boyfriend and his parents?

With parental consent yes.

Is it illegal for an 18 year old to be with a 17 year old?

It depends what you do in the relationship and where you live