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Yes. If you love eachother. But when you're an adult make sure your partner is atleast 16 or17 before you go out make it legal.

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Q: Can a 17 years old guy date a 14 years old girl even there birthdays are one month apart?
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Can an 18-year-old girl get in trouble for dating a 14-year-old boy when there birthdays are one month apart in SC?

it sounds like your birthdays are 4 years and 1 month apart so yes this is illegal, a 18 year old can not date a 14 year old. In fact there is no law that says teenagers cannot date. The law says that sexual contact cannot be made with a minor. As the boy is still a minor then the couple must not have sexual contact to stay within the law. Once the boy has reached the age of consent in his state then they can start a relationship of this nature without fear of prosecution.

What month has more birthdays celebrated?

October is the month for most birthdays. July is in second place. The date which has the most birthdays is 5 October, meaning that those born that day were most probably concieved around 1 January, or New Year's Day.

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February 29, because it only occurs every 4 years.

How far apart in age does a girl have to be for you to date?

OK if you are 16 years old and your on a date the girl can be 14 or 15 years old to date you.

Would Nick Jonas date a 12 year old girl?

well i think he would because its is only 3 yrs apart Yes he will date 12 year old because iths only 3years apart actually its a little over 4 years apart and i would know tht because im 12 years old and hes my life. idk what i wou;d do without him and since hes 16 and his birthdays in September and mines in february hes 4 years and and 5 months older. AND OMG I HOPE I COULD DATE HIM but thts never gonna happen lmao.

Do moshlings have birthdays?

The birthdays of the moshlings are unknown, however the date of their release could be considered their birthday.

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month date & years

What date has the most birthdays?

Well I can't tell you the exact date, but June and December usually have the most birthdays. There is no real way of knowing, only guessing.

Why does it matter that the date is 4-20?

It matters to all the people who were born on April 20th, who are celebrating birthdays today. It is also two thirds of the way through the month of April.

How do you see horses birthdays on howrse?

Scroll down on the horse's page to the characteristics box and there will be a part that says, "Date of Birth: year-month-day"

If a girl and a guy are 2 years apart can they date?

Yes. If they are both the age of dating. I would say 2 years apart would be very good.

How do sheep celebrate their birthdays?

Humans have birthdays based on the calendar date on which they were born. Sheep do not have calendars, therefore a sheep does not celebrate its birthday because it does not know the date on which it was born.