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It depends on what you invest in in your 401(k). If you invest in stocks, their return typically outpaces inflation. Bonds return less, and so it's harder to outpace inflation. If you invest in cash, such as in a money market fund, then you won't outpace inflation.

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Q: Can a 401K plan keep up with the rising cost of inflation?
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What is the definition of economic inflation?

Economic inflation or just inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising. Central banks attempt to stop severe inflation, along with severe deflation, in an attempt to keep the excessive growth of prices to a minimum. Inflation or deflation will always occur in a economy but the role of the Fed is to make less severe.

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Is the cost of living adjustment for wage earners the same?

Not at all. Many if not most wage earners get no cost of living adjustment. Those who do get significantly less than 100% of the cost of living - keep this in mind the next time you hear that wage increases cause inflation!

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How mild inflation is beneficial for an economy?

Inflation is a measure of changes in the average price level and therefore, the cost living. A mild inflation could be indeed beneficial since it puts pressure on businesses to be competitive and at the same time, produces a situation where there is broad confidence in the macroeconomy. In fact, many countries wish to keep the inflation rate slightly above 0 (ie. UK keeps its inflation rate at around 2%) due to these benefits. However this is not the case of emerging and developing economies and there are many downturns that have to be considered.

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