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55 US Gallons of water weighs about 450 US Pounds - that's without the tank and grtavel and all the rest.

That's about 7.35 cubic feet. If the fish tank is about 30 inches high, that's about a base of 3 square feet.

If you think the table can take the pressure of 150 pounds per square foot, then go ahead. it depends on how sturdy the legs and the general carpentry is.

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Q: Can a 55 gallon fish tank sit on a end table?
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How many fish can you put in a fish tank?

The maximum is about 1 inch of fish per gallon of water for most aquariums.1"fish=1gallon2"fish=2gallons3"fish=3gallonsso on but I usually put 1 gallon at the end when I'm done putting fishI have 11 fish in a 25 gallon tank so they have a lot of room but it looks crowdedif you want a lot go high even if you like 10 fish 20 gallon tank you'll end up adding a fish here and there some die then you by more i started with a bunch and ended up with 11. it varies

Will largemouth bass survive with other fish in a 125 gallon fish tank?

This is another of those predatory fish that will hunt and eat anything live that it can get into its mouth. No they are not community fish and should never be mixed with fish you wish to keep alive. You may well keep one of these alive in a large tank but the other fish would be eaten Okay ive added on to this what if i got a fish that would end up being a little smaller would there still be promblems?

What will you need for a 125 gallon fish?

I am assuming that you forgot to add the word 'tank' or 'aquarium' at the end of your question. I also assume that you have a suitable stand for the tank to be on. Heaters and thermometer are not necessary if you are intending to keep coldwater fish. For a 125 gallon tank you will NEED a good power filter complete with media. It must be capable of handling a 125 gallon tank (that is most important and a MUST HAVE) Then 2 x 300 watt heater/thermostats, a thermometer,(for tropical fish) a top glass, and lights. Then depending on your preference you can have what is called a "bare tank" or you can Aquascape it with gravel, rocks, and plants. Once all this is done you can start up all the electrical appliances and let the plants settle in and start to grow. The filter will be cycled within 2 or three weeks. Then you can start introducing the fish. The basic rules for successfull fishkeeping are :- 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs to have at least 50% of its water changed every week... Keep to the above rules, and your fish stand a reasonable chance of survival. Fail to keep them, and I can guarantee that your fish will have constant health problems.

Can male fighting fish be in the same tank as a female fighting fish?

no because they will end up killing each other

How many black convicts can live in a 20 gallon fish tank?

Assuming the tank has a substrate and a few rocks and it is filled to within 1" of the top it will be holding around 14-15 gal of water. A Convict Cichlid (Amatitlania nigrofasciata) grows to about 4". Allowing for the basic rule of '1inch of fish requires 1 gallon of water' the maximum number of fish would 3. However Convicts are not gregarious fish so one of the three would undoubtedly end up being picked on and killed. Therefore I would suggest that 2 fully grown Convict Cichlids would be the maximum number one could keep successfully in a nominal 20gal tank.

How to take water out from a 50 gallon fish tank?

You need to empty half of the tank and replace it with fresh water. You need to leave half of the of water because if you put all new water in it becomes a shock for the fish and it could die.Empty half of the tank (with a cup for a small tank or a hose pipe for a large tank) you can pour the old water onto your grass but not down the sink.Refill the tank with the fresh water. If it's cold use a watering can, it can be time consuming depending on the size of your tank. Do the same with tropical fish but with hot or preferred water.Put the needed fluids in which take away chlorine that can damage the fins and then wallaIf you use a hose, put one end in the tank and the other in a bucket or watering can.Put the can/ bucket above the tank for flowige but if that isn't possible suck on the bucket end of the hose so the water goes down the hose whilst the can/ bucket is below the tank. (BE CAREFUL NOT TO INHALE OR SWALLOW THE TANK WATER)This way is way quicker than using a cup, trust me, I am not fooling you in to sucking up fish water :)

How many guppies to a 10 gallon aquarium?

Guppies need a 40 gallon tank. Maybe 3 at the most if you only put in plants and maybe one rock. answer 2 by LipRingz:they don't need a 40 gallon tank i had 5 guppy's in a 2.5 tank in a 10 gallon you can have prob 8-9 guppy's

How big a fish can you have in a 30 gallon?

Big, 12 inches, only because it would be nice if the fish could swim from end to end and turn around in the tank. About the biggest fish I would put in a 30-gallon aquarium is a firemouth, which gets to about 5 inches long.

Who Australian invented the tank?

Australian Centurion tanks in Vietnam were purchased from Great Britain. The visual difference between the two are: Australian Centurions had no side skirts covering their tracks; and a 100 gallon external fuel tank was attached to the tail end of their tank.

How To Clean A Water Tank With Fish?

Fish are the most popular pet in the world, and for good reason. They are inexpensive, relatively low maintenance and always enjoyable to have around. When fish tanks are taken care of properly, they are almost always crystal-clear. However, neglecting a fish tank will inevitably end in a cloudy, algae-filled appearance. Fortunately, it is possible to clean a dirty fish tank and restore it back to normal. When cleaning a fish tank, you’ll want to make sure that you take the fish out of the tank before doing anything. This usually requires no more than a small bucket, depending upon the amount of fish in the tank. Never expose the fish to water that they are not used to, as this can send them into shock and kill them instantly. Instead, ladle a gallon or so of the water from the tank into a bucket and transfer the fish from tank to bucket. They will be fine in the bucket for the duration of the cleaning. You will want to have a siphon handy, as this is how you will clean the bottom of the tank. Fish tanks often became caked with waste at the bottom, and you’ll want to siphon this into a waste bucket, which you will eventually dump out. Siphon a good one-third of the tank’s waste water into the waste bucket, and replace with clean tap water. You will want to condition the tap water with chemical agents so as not to send the fish into shock when you return them to the tank. Next, take a sponge that is made specifically for cleaning the inside walls of the tank and scrub as hard as possible to remove any excess residue. This usually only takes a couple of minutes and is a crucial step to cleaning your tank. After you are done, apply any type of cleaning chemicals that you have on hand to the water, as this will help clear the water over time. Remove fish from the bucket and place them back on the tank, keeping a close eye on them for a day or so to be sure they are ok.

How do leeches hatch from creek rocks put into a fish tank?

The eggs were attached to the rocks. At the end of the gestation period, the eggs hatched.

Will plants provide all the oxygen needed in an aquarium?

Plants will supply all the oxygen needed only if you don't add any fish If, however, you do add fish, then also add a double lift undergravel filter and at least one aerator