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Guppies need a 40 gallon tank. Maybe 3 at the most if you only put in plants and maybe one rock.

answer 2 by LipRingz:they don't need a 40 gallon tank i had 5 guppy's in a 2.5 tank in a 10 gallon you can have prob 8-9 guppy's

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14y ago

You could have twelve guppies in there, provided that it's filtered, heated and at least 25% water changes are done each week. Make sure that you cycle the tank before you add guppies, as they are very sensitive fish. Add the guppies slowly - one or two a week and the tank should not be fully stocked for four months or so (give it the odd week off.) Make sure your guppies are all male, all female, or at least 2 or 3 females to every 1 male. If the 10 gallon is your only tank I recommend all male as if you buy females they will breed and you could end up overrun with fry. Even if you buy all females they will already be pregnant.

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12y ago

Depending on their size, about 4-5. They shouldn't be over 2 inches and all should need similar living conditions. If they are thick bodied fish, I wouldn't put more then 3, max 4. Hope this helped

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Q: How many guppies to a 10 gallon aquarium?
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Can sea urchin and guppies go in a 10 gallon tank?

yes they can, depending on how many guppies you plan on getting.

What size tank do you need for guppies?

The answer depends on the number of guppies. A few guppies can live in a 2.5 gallon tank or larger, temperature between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Many people raise fancy guppies in 5.5 and 10 gallon tanks.

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That would be a standard 29 gallon aquarium

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Can a molly live in a 3 gallon tank with 4 guppies?

I would suggest upgrading to a 10 gallon tank.

How many fishes fit in a 10 gallon aquarium?

The rule of thumb is usually 1 inch of fish per gallon. You could have 1 10 inch fish or 10 1 inch fish

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2 I think.

How many Oscars can you put in a 10 gallon tank?

NONE Oscars are really messy and grow up to a foot! They need at least 50 gallons. For a 10 gallon I recommend some guppies and neon tetras.

Can you keep a sunfish in a 50 gallon aquarium?

A small species of sunfish would likely be alright in a 50 gallon, however many species of sunfish get quite large, on the order of 8 to 10 inches long, and would be too large for a 50 gallon aquarium.

Would salamanders sourvive in a 10 gallon tank?

Yes, a 10 gallon aquarium would be sufficient for most terrestrial salamanders.

How long do guppies live in a 10 gallen tank?

It depends on how many guppies, and how well you keep up the tank. In a ten gallon tank, I'd say no more than ten guppies, and do frequent water changes. 10-15% weekly. They need a filter and a heater, as well.

How many gallons of water does 2 guppies need to survive?

Well, 4 guppies would be fine in a 2 gallon bowl, but they breed a lot, so you'll have to put them in a 10 gallon tank once there is fry [put the fry in the 10 gallon tank, not the parents!]. But if your just keeping 4 females, or 4 males, they can live in the bowl just fine. I would not put them in a 1 gallon, or 0.5 gallon bowl, though. It's not big enough [not as big as a 2 gallon bowl is]. You can feed guppies betta pellets, betta flakes, or even a broken goldfish flake, if your guessing what to feed them. If you just had goldfish, or betta fish that just passed away, use their fish food to feed your guppies. It won't hurt them, because guppies can and will eat just about anything you float on their water. Hope this helps.