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The answer depends on the number of guppies. A few guppies can live in a 2.5 gallon tank or larger, temperature between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Many people raise fancy guppies in 5.5 and 10 gallon tanks.

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Q: What size tank do you need for guppies?
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What size fishtank is necessary for 5 guppies?

Guppies are very adaptable and small in size so a very large tank is not required for them to be happy in. A 20 gallon tank would be enough to keep five guppies in.

Must guppies be in a all - guppy tank for it to mate or is it able to mate in a community tank?

Guppies can mate in a community tank of tropical fish around their size. Be sure to add lots of live plants!

Do guppies grow to their habitat?

No, this is blatantly false - very few fish will 'grow to the size of the tank'. If the tank is vastly too small they will stunt and live lives of deformed misery. The minimum tank size for guppies is 5 gallons (which would allow you to have four.)

Must guppies be in an all-guppy tank for it to mate or can it mate in a community tank?

They can be in a community of other tropical fish of the same size.

Can you have 2 male guppies in one tank with 3 female guppies?

What are guppies

Can you put guppies and fancy guppies in the same tank?


How long do guppies live in a 10 gallen tank?

It depends on how many guppies, and how well you keep up the tank. In a ten gallon tank, I'd say no more than ten guppies, and do frequent water changes. 10-15% weekly. They need a filter and a heater, as well.

Can guppies share a tank with goldfish?


What are the equipment for guppies to breed?

Breeding is easy but yet hard. All you need to do is get a boy and a girl guppy of course. If our going to have several guppies,then you don't get the same amount of boys and girls. You will also need a breeding net (choice) and a separate tank or lots of plants in the adult tank. The plants will allow the guppies to hide from the parents that will try to eat them.

Will 2 Guppy's be eaten by a goldfish?

The goldfish should never be in the same tank as guppies. Goldfish are coldwater fish and need to be kept below 70F. Guppies are tropical fish and need to be kept above 70F.

How many guppies could you fit in a 17 liter tank?

About 5 or 6 guppies.

Do guppies need a heater in a 5 gallon fish tank?

If the temperature is around 20 degrees (Celcius) probably not. But for a five GALLON fish tank, probably.