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Q: Can a 9 mm stone in gallbladder be removed without surgery?
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Can you still get gallbladder pain if your gallbladder has been removed?

You can have severe pain from a stone in the ducts. You can also have sharp pains from adhesions after the surgery. You should not get the typical cramping pains after eating a fatty meal.

What would make it necessary to have a gallbladder removed?

If you have ever had gallstones or gall attacks, you would say gallbladder surgery is necessary. The surgery can typically be done with a laser leaving only small incisions and scars. Gallstones are especially painful and can cause nasty symptoms such as diarreha, vomitting, etc. It depends on the condition of the gallbaldder. You should consult a doctor to be sure. You can also ask for a second opinion. The usual treatment for gall stones is to surgically remove the gallbladder. If the patient is not a good candidate for surgery, the doctor may prescribe medications to dissolve cholestrol gall stones, but the medications may take years to completely dissolve the stones. Treatment for gall bladder cancer may also involve surgery.

Where does the gallbladder stone mainly formed?

In the gall bladder

Why gallbladder make stone?

The gallbladder sometimes make stones because of a build up of bile pigments and cholesterol.

How big is 1.3 cm gallbladder stone?

1.7 centimeters

Can you poop out a kidney stone?

a kidney stone can be pooped out but that requires surgery. Both my grandma and great aunt (who are very old) have had this done. The store is removed from its present location and moved into the lower intestines.

What is the root word of lithiasis?

The root word of "lithiasis" is "lith," which comes from the Greek word "lithos," meaning stone. In medical terminology, "lithiasis" refers to the presence of stones in the body, such as kidney stones or gallstones.

What happens to bile acid if you remove your gallbladder?

There's a small possibility that a stone is obstructing the bile duct after the gallbladder was removed. However, most people who undergo a cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal surgery) will have a dilated bile duct after the fact - even though there is no stone. A dilated duct after cholecystectomy, by itself, is not considered an abnormal finding. When the gall bladder is removed, the common bile duct essentially takes on its function and dilates to accommodate the bile that accumulates before being released into the duodenum after you eat a meal. It's also possible to see small air bubbles trapped inside the bile duct (a condition called pneumobilia). This, too, is considered a normal post-surgical finding.

What is the meaning of presence of calculus in gallbladder?

It means that you have a stone in the gall bladder and may need surgery to remove the gall bladder if you are having trouble some symptoms of abdominal pain nausea, vomiting or recurrent infection of the gall bladder

Can you die when you have gall stone surgery?

Most of the time gallstones create discomfort and sometimes extreme pain, but they are not usually fatal. However, if a stone gets lodged in one of the gallbladder's ducts it can rupture it, which can lead to death.

Is there any chance of bursting of gallbladder if it is full of stone?

Yes it can it almost happen to my husband.

How many kidney stone patients will require surgery?

Ten percent of kidney stone cases require surgery.