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There's a small possibility that a stone is obstructing the bile duct after the gallbladder was removed.

However, most people who undergo a cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal surgery) will have a dilated bile duct after the fact - even though there is no stone. A dilated duct after cholecystectomy, by itself, is not considered an abnormal finding. When the gall bladder is removed, the common bile duct essentially takes on its function and dilates to accommodate the bile that accumulates before being released into the duodenum after you eat a meal.

It's also possible to see small air bubbles trapped inside the bile duct (a condition called pneumobilia). This, too, is considered a normal post-surgical finding.

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Q: What happens to bile acid if you remove your gallbladder?
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What are the main functions of gallbladder?

The liver produces bile and the gallbladder stores it. Bile is a digestive enzyme secreted into the small intestine to aid in the breakdown of food. It is secreted directly from the gallbladder.

When does bile enter the gallbladder?

Bile enters the gallbladder between meals

Is bile stored in the liver or the gallbladder?

Bile is produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder.

Does the gallbladder produce or store enzymes?

Neither.The gallbladder will store bile, but bile is not an enzyme. Bile is produced by the liver.

Where does bile go after it leaves the gallbladder?

The bile is stored in the gallbladder and after it leaves the gallbladder it travels to the duodenum. Bile is a very powerful antioxidant which helps in removingÊ toxins from the liver.

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Why is it okay to remove the gallbladder?

The gallbladder is a small sac underneath your liver that stores and secretes bile, a digestive fluid that breaks down fats. Since bile is actually produced by the liver, it's possible to survive without a gallbladder, but not without unpleasant digestive tract complications.

What can you do to cope with dumping syndrome?

Dumping Syndrome is caused by excess bile being released immediately after eating. This problem typically occurs after surgery to remove the gallbladder. Can also be present in people with gallbladder disease who have not had surgery to remove the gallbladder. The medication Questran absorbs excess bile in your system, eliminating dumping syndrome.

Why do you vomit bile have no gallbladder?

the gallbladder doesn't make bile, the liver does. the gallbladder just helps to add it to your digestive tract in the correct amounts. its possible that you are getting too much bile at one time if you dont have a gallbladder.

Where is the Bile Produced?

Bile is produced in the liver and is then stored in the gallbladder.

What happened to the duct from the gallbladder on a pig?

The duct from a gallbladder on a pig is connected to the bile duct. Bile is transported via the cystic duct to the gallbladder.

What organ transports bile from the gallbladder?

The bile duct