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Q: What is responsible for the storage of extra bile?
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Related questions

What is liver specialization?

liver is responsible for making bile . Bile is a greenish bitter digestive liquid that contains bile salts and bile pigments. Bile salts consist of death enthrocytes, RBC's- Biliverdin and Bilirubin. Bile pigments are responsible for the emulsification of fats.

Is a storage like a vacuole?

They store food and wastes. Some vacuoles also store extra water. they pump extra water out of the cell.

Where does the cystic duct take bile for storage?

Bile flows into the cystic duct and then is stored in the gallbladder where it is concentrated.

Storage sac that holds the bile that is produced in the liver?

The gallbladder produces and stores bile. It releases bile to help digest food.

Which organ of the body is responsible for removing bile?

Bile is produced in liver, stored in gallbladder and excreted into small intestine through the bile duct to aid lipid digestion. Bile pigment is a component of bile.

What is the population of Extra Space Storage?

As of 2021, Extra Space Storage is a self-storage company and does not have a population figure associated with it. It operates numerous storage facilities across the United States, but it does not represent a specific population in the traditional sense.

When was Extra Space Storage created?

Extra Space Storage was created in 1977.

What is a muscular bag responsible for strong bile?

it is a chute

Define gall bladder?

The gall bladder manufactures bile which is used to emulsify fats for easier digestion.

What is bile responsible for?

Bile is secretory as well as excretory product of liver. It secretes bile salts and excretes bile pigments. Bile salts (Sodium glaucocolate and Sodium taurocholate.) are responsible for emulsification of fats (makes very small droplets of fat.) witch greatly increase the surface area of fat and hasten action of pancreatic lipase on it.

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What organ is responsible for drug detoxification and bile production?

The liver.