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yes, but the 5 year old HAS to be a female.

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I wouldnt! This can be very dangerous! Ive had friends who didnt watch the baby and the baby was ultimately eaten by the adult....

personally, i would just keep them separate, if you really want to home them together, i would wait until your new baby is bigger!

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Q: Can a Baby leopard gecko be in a cage with a 5 year old female leopard gecko?
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Can a older female gecko be with a younger female gecko?

yes they can because i have two females in the same cage

Can a leopard gecko's cage be put in front of a window?

Well, a leopard gecko's tank/cage can be placed anywhere in a room, and as long as the window is not open, making the cage cold, it should be fine. Geko's need to tell when its day and night so make sure sunlight can get in. I hope this helps, A leapord Gecko owner.

I rearranged gecko cage today and fed her 2 large crickets She has dug out her hideout and is sitting in the corner of her cage She is a female leopard gecko What is wrong could it be to hot?

Hi! The normal temperature is supposed to be 86-90 degrees Fahrenheit at all times... She may be shedding her skin...

How much does a baby leopard gecko cost?

I purchased my leopard gecko for $20.00 with out setup $200 w/setup*if you are thinking of getting a leopard gecko make sure you research what it needs at a lot of corporate stores they don't know exactly what is needed

Can female and female Leopard Geckos live together?

Yes, but two males is a bad idea. and unless you want baby gecko's, no male or female. However, make sure they get along. i had 2 females and they fought alot. one had to be put down as she stopped eating, which the vet blamed on the other one stopping it. Any danger with gecko's is cage mates accidentally standing on eachothers tails. be aware of thses facts before getting another gecko.

What to do if your leopard gecko is dehydrated?

spray it with a spray bottle; they are adapted to hot, humid climates, so you need to have some water in the cage...

Can i put a heat lamp for my leopard gecko's heat source?

Yes you can, however if you have a heat lamp you should get a heat mat (for under the cage) so he/she can have heat at the top and bottom of the cage.

What does it mean when leopard gecko digs in the cage?

Well, you're probably in for a surprise. In other words, your leopard gecko is pregnant! If you've never had any other leopard geckos in the aquarium (or wherever you keep it) then the egg will never hatch, it's just a cycle some leopard geckos go through, and is not uncommon. No need to worry, just remove the egg; but if you have had another leopard gecko in the cage before, it was probably a male, even if you thought otherwise, as this can be tricky. If this is so, you should put a small container of fresh aspen shavings or the moss you can get, but not the sand (this can be hazardous for baby leopard geckos). Hopefully, your gecko will lay her egg in the container, and you should remove that and place them in an incubator (directions at Continue to follow the directions at that website, and you will find what you need. If the eggs are not in the container, carefullyremove the eggs by taking all that is under it and gently placing it in the container. Try to incubate them, following the directions given earlier, but it will normally be too late by then. Hope your hatchlings-to-be will do well!

Can baby bearded dragons live with leopard geckos?

No, they can't. These two species are from different continents. They should not be housed together. They are both known to be territorial and the Beardie will likely at some point attack the gecko.

Can i touch your leopard gecko or let it get use to its cage?

wait 2-3 weeks before picking it up. Only mess with the cage for food, water, and lighting. Let it get adjusted first :) good luck

Is a leopard gecko good by it self?

By "on its own", if you mean in the wild, yes. They live in the wild about 8-9 years. But if you mean alone in their cage with no other geckos, they can, but they are happier alone rather than with 2 or more. If you are having 2 or more in the same cage, be sure that it is not 2 males, because they will fight. only multiple femals or a male and a female are safe together. (CAUTION: If you hav a male and a femal together in the same cage, they might mate and you might end up with up to 12 new Leo hatchlings!)