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No, when a non Catholic gets married to a Roman Catholic in a catholic church the sacrament of matrimony is not incurred in a mass.

So basically the ceremony will be there but the ceremony wont be celebrated in a Holy Mass.

ANSWER: Well, that's not really true. The couple may have a Mass but the non-catholic spouse may not receive Holy Communion. I believe it's difficult to have a Mass IF your spouse (and most likely his family) are not Catholics. Then you'll have one side of the isle going to communion while the other side remains seated. On the other hand, the Catholic should want the Mass celebrated when she marries and to receive the Holy Eucharist. Difficult.

It might be possible for the Catholic bride or groom to receive the Eucharist (one that has already been consecrated at a prior Mass) kind of like seniors (shut-ins) receive when lay Eucharist Ministers visit their homes so that they may receive the Eucharist even though they did not attend Mass physically.

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Catholics are not forbidden from marrying people who are not Catholic. It has been the practice of the Church to marry non-Catholics and Catholics for quite some time. The Church refers to these types of marriages as mixed-marriages.

Roman Catholic AnswerActually, they are forbidden to marry non-Catholics, although it happens frequently. As stated above, it is called a mixed marriage and requires special permission. With special permission, you may apply to your pastor to have a Nuptial Mass which would be a Mass at which the Marriage ceremony is held. Although it is more common, it is more by way of exception than a right, though.
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Q: Can a Catholic and a non Catholic marry in the Catholic Church with a Mass ceremony?
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