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Church policy has LONG been against novelty or ( stunt) weddings. Often there are theological objections, a wedding held outdoors in a park might not be on consecrated grounds, for example- a conference back in the twenties held that a Marriage performed ( even if by a Priest) on a ship or other moving vehicle would be invalid as the craft would be in motion and outside of any parish boundaries! Maybe the choking type- wet blanket attitude is not all bad, a Sacramental dignity must be maintained- and the ideal place for a church rite- is in the Church,. There have been Nature masses in parks- for example, but these are not weddings.

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Q: Can a Catholic bishop permit a priest to conduct a wedding outside of a church?
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Yes, not only must they take a class, but the Catholic must receive special permission (which is not always given) from the Bishop to have a wedding outside of a Catholic Church. Even if it is outside a Catholic Church, the wedding must still be witnessed by a Catholic priest (deacon, or bishop) or it is not valid.

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No, a Catholic wedding is a sacrament and, by canon law, must be celebrated in a Church that has been consecrated by a Catholic Bishop.

Can anyone besides a priest perform a wedding ceremony?

(Since the questioner placed the question in the Catholiccategory, I will limit the scope of my answer to Catholic wedding ceremonies.) In many dioceses, permanent deacons regularly conduct Catholic marriage ceremonies, without, of course, the Nuptial Mass, which only a priest may celebrate. In dioceses with few priests the local bishop has delegated members of religious communites to conduct Catholic weddings.

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Only Catholic weddings may be performed in a Catholic Church without special permission from the Bishop of that diocese.

Can you get married in a Catholic Church even if you are not Catholic?

Yes, but only if the partner is Catholic and the non-Catholic agrees to raising the children as Catholic; in other words, at least one of the pair getting married must be Catholic, and it must be a Catholic wedding, approved by the pastor and the Bishop.

Who appoints the Bishop in the Catholic religion?

Only the pope can appoint a bishop in the Catholic Church.

Can a Catholic priest of a church in Iowa officiate at Wisconsin wedding?

For a Catholic priest to celebrate any sacraments, he must have a Celebret which is a signed document which is sealed by his Bishop attesting that he is a validly ordained priest and free to say Mass. He must be in possession of his Celebret to officiate at any sacraments where he is not personally known. To celebrate a sacrament (such as marriage) outside of his own diocese, he must have specific permission from the Bishop of the diocese in which the Church resides, in addition to his Celebret;, and specifically for a marriage, he must also have permission of the pastor of the Church where the wedding is to be held. If he has all of those permissions, then, yes, he may celebrate the wedding.

Is a celebrant a Bishop priest or Deacon?

In the Catholic church, a celebrant is one who celebrates a sacrament. In a wedding, this would be the priest because he is the one authorized to perform the marriage.

Can a Catholic marriage be performed outside a Church?

If your catholic, it should be conducted in the church. It is a sacrament and a mass is included with such. Vows must be exchanged before a priest in a Catholic church, or in a church or chapel which is approved by the diocese where the ceremony is being held. A catholic ceremony were vows are to be exchanged, cannot, therefore, occur outside.

Who was the first Catholic bishop of Australia?

The first Catholic Bishop of Australia was John Bede Polding.

When was Bishop Dunne Catholic School created?

Bishop Dunne Catholic School was created in 1961.

When was Bishop Challoner Catholic College created?

Bishop Challoner Catholic College was created in 1953.