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No ! They would never encounter each other in their natural habitat ! Also - they need totally different living conditions ! Additionally - Chinese Water Dragons prey includes of small reptiles !

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Q: Can a Chinese dragon and a anole live in the same cage?
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Where did the Chinese dragon live?

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do u mean the Chinese water dragon??

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They live in the canopy.

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They live in the canopy.

What does a anole do?

well an anole lizard is a beginners pet. they live. Just because an animal is sold at a cheap price does not make it a beginners' pet. They require a large cage, ideally 100 microwatts of UVB, and a humidity demand that is typically hard to meet. All this is fairly easy with a couple hundred bucks.

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I just bought a neon tree dragon(lizard) today at petco to live with my green anole and i asked the reptile lady at the store beforehand to make sure that they could and she told me that they should be able to since neither of them are aggressive, they aren't tooo much larger than one another, they eat the same things, and they also live in the same habitat type so i am just going to watch them to make sure that they dont fight or anything, but they should be good :)

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Can a box turtle live with an anole?

They require different habitats, so no. Also the box turtle would probably eat the anole if it had the chance.

How long do Chinese dragons that is the kind that lives for thousands of years live exactly?

Dragons don't exist, so their life span is not measurable. The only creature that is known as a dragon is the Komodo Dragon, which is nothing like the Chinese Dragons of myth.