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no. a foley catheter is only used for collection of urine. for collection of wound drainage you can use hemovac, jackson-pratt, or the penrose drains.

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Q: Can a Foley catheter be used for collection of wound drainage?
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What are the medical terms of wound drainage?

Wound drainage terms include serous, purulent and sanguinous.

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What is a catheter used for?

People generally use catheters when they have some sort of abcess or surgical wound, to drain the liquid inside. But they are also used by inserting it into the urethra and up to the bladder to drain urine, for example, if someone has had surgery and can't get out of bed, or if they just can't do it themselves. Reusing catheters can cause infection, however, because of the bacteria and things that can grow in them.

What are wound drainage systems?

Blood and the lymphatic systems. Wound drainage systems are things such as catheters (tubes) being inserted near the main surgical site to get rid of excess fluid brought on by the inflammatory process.

Does an infection cause redness swelling odor and drainage from a wound?

An infection can cause one or all of those symptoms: redness, swelling, odor, and drainage.

What causes serratia bacteria of the lungs?

Usually catheter associated bacteremia, urinary tract infection and wound infections.

Is HIV virus found in wound drainage?

Technically speaking, the HIV virus can be found in virtually all bodily fluids. Therefore, a wound drainage would be among them. However, the HIV is found in much higher concentrations is the fluids that are part of the reproductive system.

What risks are associated with abdominoplasty?

bleeding wound infection delayed wound healing skin or fat necrosis (death) hematoma (collection of blood in a tissue) seroma (collection of serum in a tissue) seroma (collection of serum in a tissue) blood clots pulmonary embolism

Can you get Swine Flu in open wound in hands?

No swine flu is spread like the common cold. If you have a open wound on your hand, you should be more concerned about the wound becoming infected. Signs and symptoms of infection: reddness, itching, swelling, drainage.

How do you know a hemovac is draining properly?

To ensure that the drainage system is working properly, the nurse recompresses the HemoVac reservoir before closing the drain emptying port. Compression of the HemoVac provides suction removal of drainage from the wound (Altman, 2004).

What are abnormal results from general surgery?

persistent pain, swelling, redness, drainage or bleeding in the surgical area and surgical wound infection resulting in slow healing.

What is a therapeutic wound?

A surgical incision intended to treat or prevent an additional problem could be called a therapeutic wound. For example, a "stab" incision about 1" long is made during surgery only to insert a drainage tube, which helps prevent infection in a larger surgical site.