

Can a HIV negative person be a carrier?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Can a HIV negative person be a carrier?
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Can HIV negative off spring be carriers?

A HIV negative person can not be a carrier of HIV.

Difference between HIV positive and carrier?

A carrier is a person who carries HIV but does not get infected by it.HIV positive is a person that has HIV and gets infected by it.

What are the underling root causes of HIV?

The underling root of HIV is direct sex. When a person is HIV positive and another person is HIV negative and they have direct sex, the HIV moves into the HIV negative person and the HIV is now positive in both of the persons.

Can a person who transferred HIV to somebody be HIV negative?


Can a person have HIV and not be affected by it in other words only as a carrier?

No; if you have the infection, you are affected by the HIV virus.

Is HIV positive good or bad?

It is better to be HIV negative than HIV positive. An HIV positive person is infected with HIV.

If you are HIV positive is there a way you can do to test negative for a job?

It would be almost impossible to test negative if a person is HIV positive.

Can hiv be transmitted even after a negative result of a likely infected person?

Yes. If the person had a "false negative" on their HIV test (getting a negative result even when the person actually does have HIV), then HIV can be transmitted. Sadly, false negatives are common, especially early in the infection. When in doubt, use condoms so that you are not infected with any STDs.

Can one contract HIV by having intercourse with a person who is not HIV positive?

It is possible to have a false negative HIV test, particuarly early in infection with HIV. If a partner has a true negative HIV test, it's not possible to get HIV from them.

Can you be exposed to HIV but still be negative?

Yes they can. HIV tests detect Your immune systems HIV anti-bodies and not the HIV itself. In the months after infection (around 6) Your body has not produced enough anti-bodies to be detected on a test. However the person is HIGHLY infectious during this window period. When the Immune system begins fighting back and producing high levels of anti-bodies,this will cause a postitve result on the test.

What happens if you are HIV negative?

Relief happens if you are HIV negative.

What does hepatitis c carrier mean?

Being a Hepatitis C carrier means that at some point, the person was infected with the virus and it stays in their body for life.