

Can a Holocaust occur again

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Technically, yes. But with the technology and armies countries have today it would end really quickly.

Plus people would rebel more than they did in the original Holocaust.

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Q: Can a Holocaust occur again
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What continent did the holocaust occur?

The Holocaust took place in Europe.

Why are the people allowing the Holocaust to start again?

The assumption in the question is false. The Holocaust is not 'start[ing] again'.

Did other genocides occur after the holocaust?

Yes, there have been multiple genocides after the Holocaust.

Why did people le the holocaust occur?

because it did not affect them.

Did the Nanking Massacre occur before or after the Holocaust?

It occurred in 1937, which means it took place before the Holocaust.

What does the Holocaust quote mean?

What quote? If you mean "Never again," here is the answer: When the Jews were liberated from the concentration camps, the world said "never again" meaning that the world will never again let such a genocide occur. Next time they will help to prevent something like this.

When will the Holocaust come?

Hopefully never again.

How did the holocaust effect the human rights?

The Holocaust is an example of extreme violation of human rights. Human rights laws strive to ensure that such a situation will never occur again.

What does the Holocaust memorial museum in DC represent?

to remind the holocaust happened and nations should insure it does not happen again....

In which countries or regions did the Holocaust primarily occur?

The biggest extermination camps were in Poland.

How can someone get away from a holocaust if it was to happen again?

run.... fast

What can world leaders do to prevent the holocaust from happening again?

The Holocaust can never happen again. The establishment of the state of Israel has ensured that. However genocides, some arguably worse, continue to this day.