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Regardless of who they are marrying, Catholics are obligated by their religion to be married in a Catholic Church by a Catholic priest.

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Q: Can a Roman Catholic groom marrying an un-baptized bride remain in The Church without having a church wedding or blessing?
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Can a Catholic participate in the wedding of a Catholic in a Baptist Church?

yes as long as your not the bride or groomANSWER: MAYBE. If a Catholic priest is a celebrant along w/the protestant minister, then Yes. If not, then actually no. . .b/c the Catholic is committing a grave sin by marrying a non-catholic in a non-catholic church w/out the consent/participation/BLESSING of his/her OWN church -- the Catholic Church. Need to talk w/a catholic priest and or diocese.

What is nuptial blessing?

A nuptial blessing is a prayer offered by a priest during a wedding ceremony that calls upon God to bless and strengthen the marriage. It is a sacred and significant moment in the wedding ceremony where the couple receives God's grace and blessing for their union.

What is the procedure of blessing a civil ceremony wedding in the Catholic Church?

If you are both Catholic and neither was married before you can go to the parish priest and have the marriage validated. You will need to show marriage license and records of baptisms as Catholics. Then you will promise to raise any children as Catholic, and make a permanent commitment for marriage. The blessing ceremony will be the same as a wedding ceremony. You will not be "remarried' but now married with the vows of the Catholic faith

Does one need an annulment because of marriage by Lutheran minister and Catholic blessing?

Roman Catholic AnswerNot sure what you're asking, if you want to know if you need an annulment from a marriage that was performed in front of a Lutheran minister, then yes, you would need an annulment if you were thinking of marrying again, but otherwise, not. If you are saying that there was a Catholic priest at the wedding with the Lutheran minister, then you are going to have to talk to a priest about this, or call the Chancery.

What is a Catholic wedding ceremony?

A Catholic wedding ceremony will differ from parish to parish. Most Catholic wedding ceremonies are very much like a standard wedding ceremony. Many Catholic wedding ceremonies include the sacraments.

Who can be an attendent at a Catholic wedding?

Anyone can be an attendant at Catholic wedding.

Is a wedding a ceremony?

A Catholic wedding ceremony will differ from parish to parish. Most Catholic wedding ceremonies are very much like a standard wedding ceremony. Many Catholic wedding ceremonies include the sacraments.

What is a mass wedding?

More than one couple marrying at once.

What percentage of regrets can you expect at your wedding?

None, if you are marrying the right person.

Who is allowed to attend a Catholic wedding?

Everyone is allowed to attend a catholic wedding. There aren't any rules specified as to who should attend the wedding or not.

Can priest perform wedding blessing at you house?

no. it must be done in the church.

Where is a Catholic wedding ceremony held?

In a Catholic Church.