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Yes, but you'll have to clean it more often. Wire cages are better because they are well ventilated.

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Q: Can a Russian hamster live in a glass tank?
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Can a rat live in a glass tank?

Yes I have 7 and they live in a glass tank. I found a 2 story to add on which they love!

Is it ok to have a hamster in a glass tank?

Of course! Just leave the top open or buy a screened tank cover. If you have a Syrian hamster, try to find a nice tall tank, because mine escaped by standing on its wheel!

What is a hamster habitat?

Wild hamsters originally came from the Russian Steppes (grassland)In the wild, a lot of them live in deserts and forests. Now days, people have pets that they keep in tanks and cages.

What is the proper size tank for 2 rushan tortoises?

For one Russian or any tortoise when they are young a 30 gallon tank will be good in a year or two maybe a hundred gallon tank. That will be hard to find though. But do not get glass they will run right into the glass. So ounce you get 2 Russian tortoises just get a 100 gallon rubber glass tank. Trust me I got two and that is all they do.

Can a hamster live in a box?

No, they will chew through it. Get a 10 gallon tank or a wire cage.

Is there a way to connect hamster tubes to a glass tank?

usually not, i have a glass tank and all those critter trails only go for habitats. tho i heard from a frend tht those critter trails are a piece of junk

Do bettas have to live in a glass tank?

No your betta can live in a plastic tank as well. One of my betta fish live in an acrylic tank with silicon sealing the joint pieces.

Can a Russian tortoise and a sunglow gecko live in the same tank?

yes because the leopard gecko loves to climb on the Russian tortoise and the Russian tortoise won't even notice

Can a fish live in a glass box and not a tank?

no it is impossible because the fish will definetely die

Can a frog breath in a glass tank?

Can a frog breath in a glass tank with a glass cover?

Can salamanders live in a fish tank?

No! Salamanders can not live in a fish tank, they need to be in a glass enclosure with beathing ventaltion at the top, they also need a heat lamp.

Can hamster cages be easily adapted for fish to live in and if so how?

No. You could put an aquarium (a fish tank) inside it but that'd be fairly pointless.