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There is an instrument called a "valve Trombone", which basically looks like a trombone except that the slide doesn't move and there are three valves near the mouthpiece that look a lot like Trumpet valves. In fact, trumpet players are often asked to play valve trombone in middle and high school jazz bands when no regular trombone players are around to fill the seat. This is possible because the fingerings on a valve trombone are exactly the same as those on a trumpet.

Some trombone players, me included, find the valve trombone to have a somewhat flatter (tone, not pitch) sound than a traditional trombone. However, a good enough musician can easily achieve a beautiful sound on a valve trombone.

Additionally, there is a horn called a marching trombone that also three valves. It is similar to a baritone, but the tubing length and bore sizes are closer to those of a trombone.

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11y ago
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13y ago

It's slide.

In fact, the trombone was the first brass instrument to be able to play all the notes of the scale until valves were invented in the mid-1800s (certain "tone hole" instruments such as the cornett and serpent notwithstanding).

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14y ago

Only valve trombones have three valves. Other trombones have no valves.

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14y ago

some do. many have rotor valves or thayer valves (f attatchments) and there are valve trombones.

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12y ago

No, it does not have valves. All the trombone has is a slide that makes the air travel farther instead of the valves

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What is used instead of valves on the trombone?

The trombone is known for it's slide.

Does trombone has three values?

A trombone has no valve- only a slide. A valve trombone, or a marching trombone, though, have three valves.

What is the difference between a trumpet and a trombone?

A trumpet is a brass instrument with a higher pitch and a more cylindrical shape, while a trombone is a brass instrument with a lower pitch and a larger, more conical shape. Trombones use a slide to change the pitch, while trumpets use valves.

Is trombone the only brass instruments that doesn't have valves?

Yes, but there are trombones that do have valves. Bugles- no valves

What bass instrument has no valves but is does have a slide?

Trombone. Or, since you specified bass a bass trombone.

Which brass instrument uses a slide instead of valves to produce pitch?

A trombone

Does the trombone have 4 valves?

Trombones usually have zero valves. There's such a thing as a valve trombone, but that uses the standard three valve configuration, similar to a trumpet.

Does a brass instrument have valves and slides?

yes the trombone does

how is the trombone different from the other bass instruments?

The trombone is the only instrument in the brass section with no keys or valves. It only has a slide.

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What is slurred?

When playing a Trombone the player can make it slur. By blowing and moving the valves at the same time.

Which member of the orchestal brass family not have valves?

The trombone - it has a slide instead of valves, to change the pitch of the note.