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Yes, it potentially can. This can also be caused by many other things as well. Any time there is blood in the urine, you should contact your doctor. It could be pretty serious.

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Q: Can a UTI cause blood in your urine?
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If you have a UTI will blood show in urine?

It's not unusual to have blood in the urine with UTI, but it doesn't not always occur.

Will catheterization to determine UTI and blood in urine harm your unborm child?

No, this is a routine procedure. A UTI is more likely to cause harm than a catheterization.

What causes nitrits in urine?

According to WebMD: Nitrites. Bacteria that cause a urinary tract infection (UTI) make an enzyme that changes urinary nitrates to nitrites. Nitrites in urine show a UTI is present.

What causes yeasty smelling urine?

UTI could cause smelly urine. If its yeasty smelling it could be vaginal yeast infection but could also be a UTI. Go to the doc and get a urine test. Always the best thing to do :)

What can cause blood in the urine?

The most usual cause of blood in the urine is a kidney stone.

Symptoms of uti in men?

Burning sensation during urination, frequent urination, blood in urine.

What could it mean when you have blood in your urine but test results say no uti?

Trauma to the kidneys, kidney stones.

What does leukocytes and urobilinogen on a urine dipstick test mean?

Leukocytes is infection. Urobilinogen is blood in the urine. It sounds like you was performing a test for a urine infection. If either of these 2 are positive then you have a UTI or possible Kidney infection if blood is found in urine.

Can dehydration cause blood in urine?

Dehydration wil cause the urine to be concentrated and so small amounts of protein that may be normal will be more easily detected. Also, if it is severe enough, it can damage the kidneys and so cause some protein to be in the urine. Checking an early morning urine after becomming well hydrated should tell you a lot.

When having a uti do you have an odor?

Some of the bacteria that cause UTI will give a strong, unpleasant odor to the urine. In addition, trichomoniasis, which can cause sypmtoms similar to UTI, causes a foul vaginal odor. See your health care provider for appropriate testing and treatment.

What causes blood in the urine?

The most usual cause of blood in the urine is a kidney stone.

Uti blood spotting light period back ache or kidney ache?

Kidney infection. Painful urination, cloudy urine, pain around waistline, blood in urine. Definitely a kidney infection.