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Q: Can a UTI cause one to need to have a bowel movement or feeling like you do?
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What sypmtoms would cause increase bowel movements?

Symptoms do not cause increased bowel movements. Increased bowel movement is a symptom of bowel disease which usually presents with abdominal pain and diarrhoea, and this can be caused by infection like gastroenteritis which can be viral or bacterial. Inflammatory bowel disease like crohn's and ulcerative colitis is another cause. Pancreatic insufficiency can causes diarrhoea due to malabsorption. People with nervous disposition can get nervous diarrhoea related to stress and also spastic colon or irritable bowel can cause diarrhea and cramp like abdominal pain. Increased bowel movement will also be seen in bowel obstruction with increased effort of the bowel to push the bowel content through the obstruction.

What are the major symptoms of IBS?

The major symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are diarrhea or constipation, passing mucus like fluid, and feeling like a bowel movement is incomplete (constantly feeling like one has to use the bathroom). Pain and discomfort are also constant symptoms that individuals with IBS suffer from.

Why patient have poor control of feces and urine in the disease of paraplegia?

when you fracture your spinal cord belown the neck it causes a loss of feeling in the legs, and sometimes more. Like in quadripelgia, you lose all four limbs and loss of almost everything, so hitting a nerve can cause a lot of damage which cause loss of bladder and bowel movement. hope i helped:) when you fracture your spinal cord belown the neck it causes a loss of feeling in the legs, and sometimes more. Like in quadripelgia, you lose all four limbs and loss of almost everything, so hitting a nerve can cause a lot of damage which cause loss of bladder and bowel movement. hope i helped:)

Feeling like you need to have a bowel movement but cant?

You may be constipated. You can buy a laxative over-the-counter. Use according to the directions. Overuse can actually make the problem worse.

String like material in bowel movement?

Possibly a tapeworm.

Which team refers to the loss of intestinal peristalsis?

Ileus is a functional rather than mechanical obstruction of the bowel. It is a lack of propulsive peristalsis (wave-like movement) of the bowel. It stops the movement of bowel contents downward. There is abdominal distention and an absence of bowel sounds.

What makes a bowel movement smell like cigarette ashes?

Eating stogies.

Why does it hurt after you have a big bowel movement?

There are many things that can cause pain when having bowel movements, some are minor and benign (like when you eat some hot chiles and the next day you feel the "second burn"), and others are extremely serious and need immediate medical attention. It also depends upon where the pain is, at the rectum or inside the bowel, for example. Many people have hemorrhoids and they can cause rectal pain. Minor constipation can cause an uncomfortable bowel movement, if you drink more water and eat more fiber, you can help prevent that. But any time you have changes in your bowel habits or pain or discomfort with BMs, you should check with your health care professional right away.

Is sweating and flushing listed as a symptom related to the medical condition IBS?

Well. sometimes sweating and flushing of bowel part may be understood as a symptom related to the medical condition IBS, but not always. Common symptoms of IBS: 1. Bloating and gas 2. Mucus in the stool 3. Constipation 4. Diarrhea, especially after eating or first thing in the morning 5. Feeling like you still need to have a bowel movement after you've already had one 6. Feeling a strong urge to have a bowel movement 7. Abdominal pain and cramping that may go away after having a bowel movement

Is constant vowel movement a sign of early pregnancy?

No but it a constant vowel movement may mean u need to add a extra such words and to change the meaning. Like for example bowel movement. By adding a different consonant and not moving the vowels. We have created bowel movement.....a.k.a pooop.

What does passed tissue look like in a bowel movement?

Tissue in bowel movements looks sometimes opaque, white or gray. It can also look long and kind of stringy.

What are the effects on the body from dextromethorphan?

Answers: High doses cause music euphoria. Also cause hallucinations, and separation from reality, lost train of thought, slurred speech, rubberband like feeling, and disoriented movement.