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They are fictitious animals so they would not catch any fleas

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Q: Can a Werewolf catch fleas and if yes will they still have them as a human?
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Is Victoria Justice still a werewolf at the end of the boy who cried werewolf?

no, she gets turned back to a human but some of her wolf personality is in her.

Can a werewolf in human form infect another human?

Yes. As long as it's a werewolf, no matter the form, it can infect another human. Biting the human will kill it or turn it into a werewolf too.

What do you call a werewolf and human hybrid?

half of a real werewolf It is actually called a Lycanthrope. Lycan coming from King Lycaon who was turned into a werewolf by Zeus for serving him human flesh. It is not called "half of a real werewolf" it is officially called a lycanthrope. Hybird

What do you do when you have a werewolf in your house?

Get out of there. Come back the next day and see if it's still there. You may approach it in human form.

Do Renesmee become a werewolf once Jacob imprint her?

no shes still a vampire hybrid (half vampire half human)

Is the bubonic plague extinct?

No.While it isn't much of a problem nowadays,in some places in Mexico,the fleas of rats still have it,and in very rare cases,humans can still catch it if they go there.

What happens if you are bitten by a werewolf?

Well, if you try to run, it'll probably catch you. If you don't, it'll probably still catch you. And just before it eats you, you'll wake up from your dream. Werewolves don't exist, so you won't be attacked by any.

What is the difference between lycans and werewolves?

Apparently Lycan inherit their condition, being in a line of descent from King Lycon unless there bitten from another Lycan which soon after they will inherit it. They seen to lack the rage of the typical werewolf and can change on demand. With the werewolf they still have part of a human body and not as strong and have to change on a full moon. While Lycan's are stronger and fast with no apart human body look.Lycans are born into being a werewolf, only they are not proper werewolves if you like the originals, as lycans can choose when they change, werewolves on the other hand are born human, but then turned into a werewolf by another werewolf, and they change when the moon is full or whenever the change occurs, depending on which stories you want to believe are true.

What is on the shoulder of all the werewolves in New Moon?

On the New Moon a Werewolf would not transform; he or she would still be human. So the answer to the question could be "their normal skin" or "their clothes" ....

How do you leave your race in adventur quest?

You can only be a human, vampire, werepyre (guardian only) or werewolf. They still haven't changed this. If you're a vampire, werepyre, or werewolf, go to darkrovia and visit the area "The cure" Note that it's hard, and you face vampire slayers at the end.

Who wrote great fleas have lesser fleas?

Augustus de Morgan did. A very similar poem was also written in the 1700s by Jonathan Swift. A. de Morgan's version can be viewed as a modernization. de Morgan: Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em, And little fleas have lesser fleas, and so ad infinitum. And the great fleas themselves, in turn, have greater fleas to go on; While these again have greater still, and greater still, and so on. Swift: So, naturalists observe, a flea Has smaller fleas that on him prey; And these have smaller still to bite 'em; And so proceed ad infinitum.

Is it possible for a half vampire to be with a werewolf?

If speaking relationship wise than yes, just as any other human can be with anything else. But, if your speaking sexually, still yes, but if they coceive a baby the baby will be in werewolf form with a hairy vampire head that somehow matches the rest of the body.